Thursday 11 December 2014

New Zealand Christmas

New Zealand Christmas on PhotoPeach

Christmas Poems

When Christmas is coming to make you happy you have the joy in your heart and the world today or you can have some joy for another summers day for you and our lord for Christmas day
By: Alexius
A sandy sand beach A waves destroying sandcastles.
People with cool shades of black A lemonade with three block of ice.
You got fancy snowflakes and snowman We got a hot as sandman and sand flakes you couldn’t resist our summer Christmas
By Wylie
Dishing dashing on the slide, sitting in the sun where we’ll get fried, but the thing that we will always know is that there will be no winter snow. Splishing splashing in the pool feeling really happy and cool instead of freezing like a fool. The summer Christmas is super fun but its a shame when Christmas is done.
By Phebe
Christmas here Christmas there
You wear jumpers, We wear shorts
You stand by the fireplace, We stand by the waves
You’re shivering, We’re hot and cold
But all is fun, Christmas is for everyone
By: Yana
Shivering –boiling
It doesn’t matter where you are it’s still Christmas
By Samuel
Christmas is fun for everyone even though in England you’re in the cool snow breeze and in New Zealand your half way through the summer season you can still enjoy a nice warm roast or ham it’s still the same amount of fun for all people in the sun and the snow
There is no sown on our grand just the good old sun on my back but no matter where you are it is still Christmas.
By Ryan

Winters snow to summers sand, freezing flakes till burning sun you have white trees we have green Christmas is Christmas wherever you are.
By Libby

Christmas cards

Winter snow to sandy beaches crystal flakes and hot burning beaches we have sun and you have snow Christmas is the same with all the different seasons.
By Molly

Christmas cards
Ice cold snow, warm sunny beaches
Snowmen, sandcastles
Woolly clothes, shorts and t-shirts
Warm hot chocolate, iced cold drinks
Christmas her Christmas her Christmas everywhere
For you and me

Dashing through the snow that is not what we do
Playing in the sand that is what we do
Surfing and camping that is what we do
But where ever you are it is still Christmas
By Lauren

Dashing through the snow, no that’s not what we do, we run through grass.
Snow covered pine trees no that’s not here we have green puhtahkawa trees.
Snowy mountain tops but no we have golden sandy beaches.
But it doesn’t matter where you are it’s still Christmas.
By Chad

Winter, Summer
You have the snow we have the beach You drink hot coco and we drink nice cold fizzy Dashing through the snow that’s not what we do either roast or BBQ Summer or Winter it’s still Christmas for you and for me.
Don’t you just love Christmas in summer,
With the birds tweeting and in the trees,
and all the different colours on the leaves,
people making snow mans “no way” here we play on the beaches and have pavlova with strawberries,
The green grass on the fields and you has the snowy white fields
But remember that where ever you are its Christmas.
Christmas here Christmas there, you wear beanies we wear sunhats, you drink hot chocolate we drink ice chocolate, you wear jackets and we wear t shirts and shorts, Christmas here Christmas there, Christmas is still for everyone.
You wear this we wear that
You ride a sled we ride a water slide
You play snow fight we play sand fight
You make snow angles we make sand angle
Christmas here Christmas there
Christmas everywhere
Here in NZ we have Shelley sandy beaches but in Europe it’s more like cold snowy mountains and hot coca by the fire. But no matter where anyone is around the world Christmas is still Christmas.
By Anna
Elves and Santa dressed up in warm clothes, that’s what we do. Going to the beach that’s what we do. Dashing through the snow, that’s what we don’t do. Having Christmas Ham, that’s what we do. It doesn’t mean where you are its still Christmas.
Europe dash through the snow we do not, we play on the soft ground as if waiting to rot. Europe is winter new Zealand is summer it is the wrong way is it not. Is it not quire that Europe waits for winter and snow for we wait till dawn do play on Christmas day. Through you might be sad the only way to change it is to turn that frown upside down.
From Joseph
Santa dashing through the snow we don’t do that here in summer New ZEALAND SUMMER TOGS,POOLS WITH HEAPS OF sun but in cold Europe they have heaps of snow woolly clothes hot cocoa in cold Europe but hot in the sun with the waterslide in New Zealand but where every you go its Christmas time.
By Misty
Dashing through the snow that’s not what we know, we share our time eating lime, at the beach with a quich . In the waves ready to bathe, with the sun nearly done, going home come on knome enjoying Christmas in the summer sun thats what we do.
By Jessie-lee

Your making snow men all day long .Were playing on the beach all day .We have barbacues you don’t instead your eating roast chicken by the fire .It does not matter where ever you are it is still Christmas for everyone.
By Hemi

Here during Christmas
We don’t play in the snow We go to the beach
We don’t go ice skating We have a water slide
We don’t sit around the fire We have a barbeque
But no matter where you are during Christmas it will always great.

Walking in the snow... oh wait no I’m in New Zealand, we go to the beach not to the mountain, we have juice but you have hot chocolates but even your in the snow and we are in the sun Christmas is a time for everyone.

Cold freezing snow to boiling hot sun falling snow to big bright sun but the one thing that matters is that wherever are or wherever you go Christmas is Christmas
By Amelia
Dashing through the snow, no no we run in the sun .Santa in his wooley clothes ah ah Santa in his shorts and top .You have blankets we have sun hats, but it’s still Christmas
By polly

Summer and winter Christmas all around the world, in summer we drink cold drinks in winter you drink hot drinks. You play with snow but we don’t do that we play with sand and swim around. But wherever you are it is Christmas, in any season and any weather.
By Kim
Its Christmas time here instead of snow we have Shelly, sandy beaches. Over there they have chestnuts roasting away but here we have sausages burning on the Barbie. Instead of having cold, snowy, wintery days we have hot ,sandy ,summery days. Where ever you are we all still celebrate the joy of Christmas.
By: Stacey
You wear beannies we wear sun hats
You build snow men we build sand men
You make snow angles we make sand angles
You are freezing we are burning You are ice skating we are swimming
Christmas here Christmas there Christmas everywhere yay
By Campbell

You have winter, we have summer
Your weather is snowy, our weather is sunny
You build snowmen, we build sandcastles
You wear jackets, we wear singlets
You have hot coco, we have fresh cold lemonade
But no matter where ever you are Christmas is fun for everyone.
By Layton

Sunday 7 December 2014

Year 6 Camp

Day 2 - The Zoo on PhotoPeach

Day 2 - Beach and Games on PhotoPeach

Ice Skating! on PhotoPeach

Friday 28 November 2014

Swimming with the Year 2 Crew

This week, Room 3 went swimming with the kids from Mrs Tabuteau's class.  They taught the big kids how to enter the pool backwards, which was pretty cool.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Hot Chips!!

Mr Beckham surprised Room 3 today with hot chips for everyone.  It was his way of saying "thank you" to the class for picking up rubbish off the field every afternoon.  Room 3 are happy to do it for him but we are also very happy to have a treat!!

Thursday 13 November 2014

From cereal box to work of art

This week, we turned ordinary cereal boxes into great 3D artwork.

First, we turned our boxes inside out and sealed them.

We left them to dry overnight, then the next day we painted them with pale blue.
Now we were ready to start adding detail.  First we painted a sun in one corner or along one edge.  Once that was dry, we added fabric rays to the sun and some small embellishments to add detail.

 The final piece of art looks fantastic on our wall!

Thanks to for the idea

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Snail Racing

Today we had some pretty amazing snail racing.  Mrs Todd's snail managed to eat through 2 maths worksheets before she noticed!

The Great Snail Race 2014 on PhotoPeach

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Room 3 Speech Finalists

Today we had the Senior School speech competition.  Room 3 was represented by Riya, Yana and Kim.  Yana was awarded Highly Commended and Riya was deservedly the FIRST PLACE WINNER!  We are so proud of them all.

Sunday 2 November 2014

Meringue recipe

Here is the recipe we used to make our ghost meringues on Friday.  They turned out really well and are not too hard to make.

1.     1 large egg white
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp vinegar
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 tbsp boiling water
2.     Preheat oven to 150degC (140degC fan bake) with the rack just below the middle. Line a large baking tray with a Teflon liner or baking paper (use a few drops of water or small dabs of mixture to stick it down and prevent curling up).
3.     Measure all the ingredients (in the order given), into the bowl of an electric beater. (The mixture will look watery and unlikely, but it does work!) Stand the bowl inside a larger container (or the sink) filled with hot water. On highest speed, beat until the mixture is smooth, stiff and piled high. (In warm weather we find the bowl of hot water is often unnecessary. If the mixture does not become white and fluffy after a few minutes beating though, stand the bowl in hot water, as suggested above.)
4.     Shape the mixture into 50-60 small meringues using two teaspoons,  or a thick plastic bag with the corner cut out, and place them onto the prepared baking tray.

5.     Bake for about an hour or until dried through.

Friday 31 October 2014

Halloween treats

Today we made some yummy Halloween treats to share. The success was our meringues but Mrs Todd was sad because there was no parent helpers.  Even though she made it work.

Monday 27 October 2014

Awe Maria

On Thursday, Room 3 and Room 1 led the school in the Rosary.  We said the Hail Mary in Te Reo.

Awe e Maria: Hail MaryAwe, e Maria,
e kī ana koe i te keratia,
kei a koe te Ariki.
E wahakapaingia an koe i roto i ngā wāhine,
ā e wahakapaingia ano hoki a Hehu
te hua o tōu kōpu.
E Hāta Maria, e te matua  wahine
o te Atua, inoi koe mō mātou,
mō te hunga hara äianei,
ā, a te haora o tō mātou  matenga rawa. Amene.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Trench Warfare Re-enactment

Today we re-enacted the trench warfare in the western-front. We used tennis balls as bullets and bean bags for grenades. Sadly, history was rewritten when The Germans won.

By: Yana and Alexius

Friday 19 September 2014


On Tuesday we were very fortunate and got to go fabulous Rotorua Boys and Girls high production Aida. The characters were funny and ethusiastic. It was an atractive love story that came to life in ancient Egypt and Nubia.
                                         By Maddison and Chad

Sunday 14 September 2014

Hard Tack

As part of our study into WW1 we have been learning about what soldiers had to eat.  Click on the book cover to read about Hard Tack.

Hard Tack

Sunday 7 September 2014

Food Bank Collection

Earlier this term, I asked all Room 3 students to bring in a non-perishable food item for our global food study.  Now that we have finished we will be donating the food to the Food Bank.  Here is a photo of the students who contributed to this.

Friday 29 August 2014

Golden Time

Today for Goldentime we had 30 minutes of madness playing Minute to Win It.  It was noisy, frantic fun.

Images of God

Images of God on PhotoPeach

Monday 18 August 2014

Global Fruit Salad

In Room 3 today we made a fruit salad with 14 different fruits.  Can you guess how many of the fruits in our salad were grown in New Zealand?

Friday 15 August 2014

Edible Art Competition

Well done to all those students in Room 3 who participated in the 5 a Day edible art competition.  There were some really inventive and unique creations.  Congratulations to Libby who came second in the senior team section of the competition.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Pizza Baking

Today we made pizza for our globalisation study.1/4 of the groups did it wrong but the rest of the groups pizza was delicious because of Mrs Todd's wonderful recipe for the bases.

Look at the delicious pizza.                                           My Group.

                             By:Campbell and Samuel

Saturday 9 August 2014

The Highwayman

Earlier this term, Room 3 studied the famous poem The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes.  We then created some artwork to go with the poem.

Friday 8 August 2014

Marae Visit

This week our class was very lucky to go to the Ohinemutu marae. We saw all of the exciting things like a picture of Jesus walking on water inside the church. We heard some stories there aswell, we got to see inside the Wharenui which is very special.
By Libby

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Maori Language Week

This term we are practicing our responses to Kei to pehea koe? (How are you?) when we do the roll in the morning.  Mrs Todd has made a colourful chart with responses to choose from.

Friday 4 July 2014

Homework Kebabs

This week we made homework kebabs.  For every week homework had been handed in, the students in Room 3 could collect one item for their kebab.  Sadly, some people only got the stick.  The students in the photo handed in their homework every week this term and were able to fill their kebab stick with lots of goodies.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Homework Structures

This term, some of the Room 3 students made some outstanding structures for homework, as you can see.

Monday 30 June 2014

Term 2 Super Spellers

We have a spelling test every Friday in Room 3.  The students pictured below have got 9/10 or 10/10 at least 6 times out of 8 tests this term.  A special mention to Wylie and Layton who both got 10/10 at least 6 times.  Good work.

Sunday 8 June 2014

The Digestive System

This week Mrs Todd demonstrated how the digestive system worked.

Digestive Model on PhotoPeach

10 compliments for Room 3

Room 3 have now completed their Compliments Ice Cream!  Well done class.

Friday 23 May 2014

Making Plastic

We have been doing Science this term and last week we went to Room 4 and made plastic.  We made it from warm milk and vinegar.  Really??? Yes, it was amazing and we had fun doing it.
By Ryan

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Making Muscles

Today we learned about how the muscles are attached to the structure of our skeletons.  We used cardboard and rubber bands to make models of the muscles attached to our arms and used these to demonstrate how the muscles expand and contract when we flex our elbows.  It was quite a tricky experiment but we all succeeded in the end.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Mr Beckham's Assistants

In Room 3, we give service to our community by helping out Mr Beckham.  2 or 3 times a week a small group of students go out for 10 minutes to pick up the rubbish that other students have left on the playground.  Mr Beckham really appreciates our help and so today he gave the rubbish collectors from terms 1 and 2 a treat.  They had great fun as you can see.

Assistant Caretakers on PhotoPeach

Monday 14 April 2014

The Empty Tomb

Today Room 3 made lovely empty tomb models to represent the resurrection.  They were all unique and looked fabulous.

Friday 11 April 2014


This week on top news in room 3
 for goldentime we had an awesome time making marble runs Max, Cambell,Taylor and Luke won the marble run comptition

posted by Lilly the wonderful and Jordyn the cool guy

Wednesday 9 April 2014

The Amazing Haiku Poet -TREE

Today we wrote Autumn Haiku poems onto paper autumn leaves. We then attached the leaves to a tree to make a poet-tree!!  Some students found the Haiku poems pretty hard to write but we all got there in the end.  Thanks Mr Beckham for finding us a tree.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Snapshot Poems

This week, Room 3 visited the Mary garden and focussed on one item to describe.  We used the words to create a snapshot poem.  Click on the link below to read the poetry.

Snapshot Poems

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Humble Lunch for Lent

In the humble lunch we were sitting in a circle eating our rice Thinking about the people in the poor islands . And we did it so we know how they feel like eating rice everyday.
Luke is eating nice rice

Friday 21 March 2014

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Geometry in Room 3

This term we have been learning about 3D shapes these are some we have made
by Campbell, Amelia

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Our visitor

On Tuesday afternoon we had the delight of meeting a cut baby Tui named Mr peep that Phebe has found and has been taking care of it for a while. It had no feathers when Phebes dad found it and wanted to keep it until it is old enough.
By Danae and Polly!!!