Week 10
week of term 4!!!!
is on Monday at 9.00. If you are a
reader at this, or at the Missioning on Wednesday, please make sure you have
practised at home.
hope everyone who entered the Sanitarium Tryathlon enjoyed themselves. Our school fun Tryathlon is tomorrow at
10.30. You will need your togs, bike and
school magazine will be available on Wednesday for collection. If you would like to order a copy, they cost
Everyone should have
taken home most of their books on Friday.
If you still have things to take home, please bring a plastic bag on
Week 9 Notices
Busy, busy, busy.
Breaking news - NO HOMEWORK THIS WEEK! But there is still a final spelling test to
go. :)
I hope everyone who went on the Christmas float had a good
We have swimming this week.
Please make sure you have your swimming gear on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Coming up this week:
Monday - Museum trip.
Tuesday - we are making mini biscuit houses. You will need to bring your own extras for
decorations. Remember, it is just a mini house so don't
bring a tonne of food.
Secret Santa gifts can go under the tree from Tuesday
onwards. Remember to label your gift
carefully but it is a SECRET so don't say who it is from.
Thursday - We are making our mini Christmas trees this
week. To make your decorations, you will
need to try and find some or all of the following:
Small pieces of tinsel, old or broken Christmas decorations,
gold or silver paper or foil, last year's Christmas cards. You may have some other ideas of your own.
Thursday - end of year Mass. Make sure you are in your full
correct uniform.
Friday - Senior school fun day. Bring lunch, drink, good behaviour, full
school uniform, smile on your face. Don't forget to bring your money ($2)
before Friday.
Week 8
It was great to see all the Room 3 students participating
and having fun at the athletics day on Friday.
We have lots of sporty people in our class.
If you are working in Room 3 for Artastic this week, can you please see if you can get a shoe box lid to bring in . Lid only please - we don't need the box.
Please bring in a needle for a sewing activity we will be
doing this week. If you have any thread
that is a Christmas colour, you could bring that too.
The year 6 students will be on Retreat at the church all day
on Friday with Mrs Dunkley and I. The
year 5 students will remain at school with Mr James and Ms Nelson.
We are fortunate enough to be going to the museum next week for an activity related to
our art and symbolism lessons. This
activity has a cost of $2 but as everyone paid $1 last term for the water trip
which had to be cancelled, everyone will need to pay just $1. Thank you to those students who have already
All library books were due back on Friday. If you still have books at home, please bring
them in NOW!
Student led conferences are on Monday after school. I am sure your families will enjoy discussing
the work you have been doing this year.
Messages from Mr Macmillan
Next Saturday is the Christmas Parade and we have entered a float
into the parade. St Michael’s children will also be with us, so it will be a
combined Catholic Schools’ presence. Children who wish to join in should come
dressed as Angels, Shepherds, Wise Men or stable animals (cows and sheep). A
note will go home tomorrow. Mums and Dads can also join us.
The PTA has distributed raffle books to our families last week and some
very good prizes are on offer. The raffle is going to be drawn in the last week
of term.
Week 7
Message from Mr Macmillan
Working Bee
Please note that the working bee for Saturday 21 November has
been postponed until Saturday 28 November.
Athletics at JPC was postponed on Friday. It will now be on this Friday 27th
November. Once again, you will need to
check the website for cancellation notices on the day. If your child usually attends Glenholme after
school care, Maryanne is able to collect students from the event but you must
arrange this with her.
We are swimming every day this week.
We have our flag referendum this week. You will be able to vote for your preferred flag.
Student Led Conferences
Student Led
Conferences will take place on Monday 30 November from 3.15pm to 7.00pm. The
conference takes place in your child's classroom and bookings will be set at 5
minute intervals. However this does not mean that conferences are only limited
to 5 minutes in the classroom. You may take as much time as you wish and other
parents and students will also be present in the classroom at these times.
Bookings for
your time slot may now be accessed:
Week 6
Athletics day is postponed until next Friday, 27 November. Don't forget your supplies for Artastic.
Athletics Day
If your child attends Glenholme After school care, and you need them picked up by MaryAnne from JPC after Athletics, can you please let her know as soon as possible. She is happy to offer this service but would like an indication of how many need to be collected.
Please keep the people of Paris, and all those affected by war, in your prayers this week.
A busy week ahead with the Ahurei performance on Wednesday
and, weather permitting, Athletics day on Friday.
Please have your PE gear at school every day in case there
is a break in the rain.
Message from Mr Macmillan -
Saturday 21st November, we intend to have a
working bee to complete a few jobs around the school. A notice was sent home on
Thursday with the list of jobs and if you are able to help please indicate the
jobs you might be able to help with and return the form back to school please.
Week 5
We are going to go to the skate park on Tuesday, as long as
the weather stays fine. Pray to Saint
Medard, the patron saint for keeping bad weather away, for a bit of help! We will be leaving at 11.00.
We have swimming every day this week, except Tuesday. We also have PE on Thursday so make sure you
have your PE gear.
Ahurei (kapa haka) tickets are on sale from the office now.
Week 4
Our trip to the skate park has had to be postponed because of a bad weather forecast for tomorrow. Grrrr. We have had a bad run this year with class trips.
You will need your PE gear on Tuesday and Thursday this week for our final Badminton lessons.
If you are planning a PLS, please bring in a large box or piece of sturdy cardboard.
On Wednesday we are walking down to review the skatepark. We have enough parent helpers, thank you. We will be walking from school leaving at 11:00am and returning to school around 1:30pm. Students will need to bring their wheels, water, a snack and a helmet if they intend to ride at the skate park.
On Friday it is Grandparents and Grandfriends day. All are welcome to join us for Mass at 9am and then stay to have morning tea with the students.
Week 3
Please note - the trip to the skate park is on 4th November. Please bring back the signed form this week.
We have swimming this week - please be prepared
If you did not bring in a box of tissues at the beginning of the year, please bring some in now. We have had a lot of people with hayfever and colds this year and we have run out! I have brought in 14 boxes myself this year.
Week 2
We have Badminton lessons this week on Tuesday and Thursday. Please make sure you have your PE gear.
Friday is World Food Day, the international day of action to end hunger. More than 800 million people, about one in nine worldwide, suffer from chronic hunger, according to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations.
If you have something you can spare at home, bring along a can or jar of food and we will deliver it to the Church food bank. Please make sure you ask your parents first.
Welcome back to Room 3 for the last term of 2015. Please make sure you have everything you need for a successful term of learning.
Swimming starts TOMORROW! You will need to have your swimming gear and a towel every day in ODD weeks. If you are not swimming you must have a note explaining why.
We have a big focus on art and symbolism this term. One item I have asked you to bring this term is an empty muesli bar box - I have shown everyone an example in class. See me if you need a reminder. If you don't have muesli/cereal bars at your house, I am sure there will be someone who can bring in a spare.
All students should be in either winter or summer uniform in week one, not a mixture of both. Everyone will need to be in full summer uniform after Labour Weekend ( week 3). Don't forget - school hats are compulsory in term 4.
The new Prayer roster can be found on the RE tab. Please check to see if you are on this term.
Please check the homework tab to see what is happening this term.
I hope you have been doing a lot of reading over the holidays - I have. Bring back your reading logs to enter into the draw.
We need 32 small cones similar to this for a Christmas art activity later in the term. If you have any, please bring them in.
Week 10 - Camp!!
Make sure you have everything ready by checking the information on the camp tab. I hope all the Year 6 students have a great time in Auckland - I will see you all on Friday, or next term if you are having Friday off. For both year 5 and year 6 students, please make sure to ring the office if you are not coming to school on Thursday or Friday after camp.
Week 9
Information about the year 5 camp will be sent home this week. For all students, please check the blog for information and gear lists.
We have our trip to the Rotorua spring on Friday. I will contact the parents who have offered to help, thanks.
I have been doing A LOT of marking this weekend. Well done to the students who put effort into their Long Walk to Water tasks. I enjoyed reading them. Four students will be getting a new water bottle as a reward for their efforts (thanks to Mrs Quirke).
We will be having Goldentime on THURSDAY this week due to our trip and the gym competition. We are making Pita Pizzas. I will supply the pita bread and pizza sauce - you will need to bring your toppings. I would suggest you get into a small group and all bring a SMALL amount of a different topping each. Pita bread is quite small so do not bring a mountain of toppings please!
Week 8
Mufti Day on Friday - Gold coin please.
We are very excited to announce that we have partnered with Pita Pit Rotorua to provide a Healthy, Nutritious, Delicious and Affordable lunch option. Lunches will be available from next Thursday 10th of September 2015. Pita Pit Rotorua have put together a competitive menu for us, including 7 different flavours to choose from ranging from Happy Ham to Falafel, and the full range of salads that are available at their store. They will also be able to provide Charlies Juice Packs, Charlies Sipper Water, Cookies, Brownie and sliced Apple. A Kids Pita including Lettuce, Cheddar Cheese, a choice of one sauce and two salads will cost $4.50.
Pita Pit will be using the www.lunchonline.co.nz platform for parents to order from. The cut off time for orders is 9.00am on the day, and you can also order in advance for up to 20 days. The lunches will be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the remainder of term 3 and term 4. Please go to www.lunchonline.co.nz register your children and link them to St Mary’s Catholic Primary School. Once you have set up your account you will need to make a payment of a minimum of $20 before you can order (credit card or bank account transfer options are available) and then you are set to order from the Pita Pit menu.
The team from Pita Pit Rotorua came to the school on Wednesday before the launch with samples of some of the salads for the children to try and everyone agreed it was delicious!!
Week 7
The parent camp meetings are at 5pm on Wednesday. Everyone took home a notice about this last week.
This week we are working on tessellations for maths. If you can bring in an empty cereal box, that would be very helpful.
Thank you to Kate for bringing in toetoe for our kites next term. We will need more and still need lots of bullrushes.
EVERYONE, please make sure you have your PE gear at school.
If you have a leader's badge or service badge, please make sure you are wearing it every day at school.
Week 6

Next term, I am going to be making Te Manu Tukutuku kites with a group of senior students (and with some help from Kassidy's mum). In order to make them we will need LOTS of toetoe and raupo (see pictures below). If you live on a farm, or will be visiting one during the holidays, see if you can bring in some.
Please make sure you have your PE gear on Monday and Tuesday ready for Pass It.
School photos are on Monday. You need to be in clean and tidy winter uniform.
We still need more empty 2 or 3 litre milk bottles. On Thursday, weather permitting, we will be going on a walk. It would be good if we could have 2 parents to accompany us. If you are able to help, please email me.
Week 5
If you took home a bag to test the flow of your shower, please bring back your results on Tuesday. Make sure you know what you need to do for spelling this week - check the spelling page for details.
If you have 2 or 3 litre empty milk bottles, please start to bring them in (washed out first please). We will need at least 2 per person.
Week 4
Don't forget - no school on Monday
All Year 6 students need to return their permission slips with regard to the upcoming pre-puberty classes. As of Friday, only 4 students had returned their forms to me.
Once again, you will need your PE gear on Monday and Thursday this week.
Have you looked everywhere on the blog this week? Do you know what the word of the week is? Have you found your spelling list?
School Disco : NOT TO BE MISSED!!!
Thursday 13 August 5.30pm to 7.00pm, Door entry $2.00.
If any parents are available to assist during the evening please phone Heidi on 021 911305.
Week 3
On Friday, 7th August, we celebrate the Feast Day of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. Mass is at 9.00am, followed by a number of activities, then class shared lunches. We would like children to bring a plate of food they can share at lunchtime. A note has gone home about this.
Please have your PE gear at school on Monday and Thursday this week.
Week 2
Homework starts this week. Please check the Homework tab to find your instructions for this term.
You will need your PE gear on Monday.
Portfolios are due back at the end of the week. If you have a parent teacher interview you will need to bring your portfolio back for that.
We still have 5 students who have not returned their Reading Logs. Please bring in on Monday. You can also return your Matariki art competition entry on Monday if you have not yet done that.
Welcome back to term 3. This term our concept is Cycles with our main focus being on the water cycle. Later this term we will be off to camp so we have a lot to fit in before then.
Please make sure you have all the stationery you need this week. Lots of students had mislaid their rulers and pens by the end of term 2.
We have our catch up sessions of Hit It (Tennis and Badminton) this week so make sure you have your PE gear at school.
The Prayer Roster for term 3 is on the RE tab. Please check to see if you are on this term.
Homework will be a little different this term. It will still be posted on our blog, along with all the notices. Most of your homework will need to be submitted via your google account. We will go over this in class.
Reading logs are due back - if you have lost your official form just write your name and class number on a piece of paper and make a list of the books you have read these holidays.
Thank you to everyone who has helped keep our classroom nut free. Anyone who brings nut products to school is able to eat them outside.
Parents - please make sure I have your up to date email address. A recent message I sent to parents came back from one or two parents. If you have changed your email address, please contact me at sherylt@stmarysrotorua.school.nz
Week 11
Last week of Term 2! Do you think you have managed to get 10 ticks on the Roll of Honour? Find out on Friday.
There is no homework this week. All homework for the term was due on Friday. We will find out on Monday who will be collecting a homework certificate for their Page of Pride.
On Tuesday we will be going to the Marae for the day. Please make sure your uniform is clean and tidy. You will need a warm jacket as we are outside for most of the day. Reminder to any parent helpers - women must wear a skirt on the marae, not trousers. We will have a hangi lunch there so DO NOT order your lunch. We will be working on crafts while we are there. If you have flax growing in your garden, and can spare a few leaves, please bring in on Monday. We are also looking for spare balls of wool for a string game. If you have any going spare, again please bring in on Monday.
We have Hit It this week - you will need your PE gear every day.
On Thursday, we are having a pizza lunch bought for us by the PTA as our reward for donating the most items to the gala in Term 1. We will also have our treat for reaching 10 ice cream scoop compliments.
The Figure it Out plan worked!! I think we had 12 entries in total. Interesting.....
Week 10
Because we have so few students and families who read our lovely blog, this week the Figure it Out is only available to bloggers. Please keep it a secret as this is your reward for doing the right thing and reading the notices. See Mrs Todd for your clue on Monday.
I am still after a couple of unwanted bicycle wheels to hang from the ceiling in the classroom. Any condition - they are to suspend artwork from.
Bring in a plastic or foam disposable plate, bowl or cup - the sort you would take on a picnic or have at a party. We are going to be comparing sustainable and non-sustainable items.
Can you also please bring any plastic bags you have collected over the term. We will be using them over the next 2 weeks. One of the things we will be making is a plastic bag kite. If you can bring in a couple of sticks (about the length of a plastic bag and about as thin as a chopstick) that would be very useful. The sticks could be thin plastic or bamboo, or a couple of twigs you have found in the garden. They must be strong enough to support your kite but not too heavy.
Matariki has begun and to celebrate Room 3 will be cooking and eating together on Thursday. We will be making healthy stuffed potatoes. I will bring in the potatoes but students will need to provide the following:
1 tablespoon of filling (can be a combination of a few different things, or just one filling)
A fork, plate and spoon.
Some suggestions for fillings are - grated cheese, baked beans, sweetcorn, sour cream, herbs, spring onion, ham. You may have some ideas of your own.
Christmas Shoe Box appeal- Operation Christmas Child- Samaritans Purse
Over the next two weeks we would like to collect items for the Shoe box appeal. Please send to room 17. Things like toothbrushes, hairbrushes, small notebooks, pencils, small toys.
To see more visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPMW99qa_uM
Week 9
There are many messages this week. Please read carefully.
Please take the time to look through your child's RE book and leave a comment. The books are due back by Thursday this week.
Our farewell feast for Alex on Friday was great because most people took heed of the message - healthy lunch. The food was lovely which just proves healthy isn't boring!
On Wednesday we have our Science Display. Everyone made, and took home, an invitation last week. You will be able to look through the work in all senior classrooms from 3-5.15pm.
This week, once the science display is over, we are going to continue with our sewing and will be making a monster. We will need some old cushions or pillows to take apart to use for stuffing. If you have any you no longer want, please bring in on THURSDAY. I will talk about the other items required in class.
Year 6 Camp Sausage Sizzle Fundraising
In Term 3, the PTA gives parents of Year 6 children an opportunity to run the sausage sizzles on Fridays. The profit is divided between those parents who help (and how often), and it goes towards their child's camp fees. We are looking for several parents to organise the parent rosters, and generally, who are the people parents contact about the sausage sizzle. If you are willing to help, please contact Brigit Nieuwboer as soon as possible so that we can get everything organised to start next term.
This week signals the Māori New Year as the Matariki star cluster is visible in our skies. We celebrate this occasion with a family night at the Museum on Saturday 20 June 2015, from 5pm until 9pm.
Matariki Whānau Night @ Rotorua Museum
Saturday 20 June 2015, 5pm-9pm
Come and celebrate the Māori New Year at Rotorua Museum with Cosmodome Planetarium, Travelling Tuataras, crafts, face painting, music for a fun family night out.
There will only be 6 sessions of the Cosmodome during the night so book tickets in advance at Rotorua Museum reception. Tickets: Adults: $5, Children (5-15 years): $3, Under 5 years: Free.
Sad Notice
I am very disappointed with some of the behaviour of some of the students in Room 3. Our value this term is Respect and I am not seeing that value being exhibited by all children. This week, after spending many hours working on their Science project, Mele and Kate were devastated to discover their models had been tampered with, and indeed, broken. Fortunately, they can be repaired but will cost their valuable time that they could have been using to add more to their lovely projects. The moral of the story is - show respect for others, and their property.

Week 8
You will need to start bringing in your supplies to create your renewable energy model in class this week. Those students who have been doing their homework this term will have lots of good ideas and extras to add to their display (which just proves that hard work does pay off).
Everyone will have decided last week on what renewable energy model they are going to make and should have shown me their outline ideas.
Some Room 3 students have made a great start on IXL. Remember to practice at the correct level. It is no good if the work is too hard or too easy.
Sacred Heart Mass is at 9am on Friday. All welcome.
Week 7
This week I will be issuing passwords for IXL, a maths programme that can be used at school and at home. If you want to know how good it is at helping you improve your maths skills, just ask Joseph in our class.
Everyone should be thinking about their renewable energy task and starting to collect items at home. You can start bringing things in on Friday ready for the following week. All work will be done in class but you can of course try out some ideas at home for your model.
Assessment Task: Week 9, Senior Science Display
1. Working individually, create a model of a renewable energy source that will be part of a science display.
Week 6
Well done to everyone in Room 3 for returning their camp forms. All parents have now been notified as to who is going as a parent helper on both year 5 and year 6 camps.
Don't forget - the Healthy Lunch Competition ends on Thursday. I am very keen to see your entries. Remember, if you are unable to take a photo at home, bring in your lunchbox with your healthy lunch and I will take the photo for you.
Friday is Mufti Day. Please bring a gold coin donation. I understand the money is going to support the people of Nepal.
This looks like a fairly interruption-free week (so far) so we will be able to get lots of work done. Make sure you come to school ready for learning.
Have you shown your family some of our recent entries on the blog? Celebrate your learning by sharing it with them.
Week 5 - lots of messages this week. Please read them all!
I hope everyone who was away sick last week is now fit and well.
On Friday, we have Pentecost Mass at 11am. We will be joined by St Michael's school who will then be coming back to spend some time at school until we leave for the Cross County event at the Redwoods. The Cross Country starts at 1.00
We would be pleased to see parents at both the Mass and the Cross Country.
All children in the senior school will be going on camp in Term 3. Forms were due back on Friday but unfortunately there are still a few outstanding. If you have any concerns regarding costs, please make an appointment to see Mr Macmillan. At this stage we just need to have the forms completed and returned.
Homework. Please note - you can only take part in Homeworkopoly if you hand in one of the homework grid tasks and complete the Image of the Week. Some students have been submitting all their homework via their Other Learning Area folder and that is great. Just remember, whichever way you choose to hand in your homework, it is due on FRIDAY.
We had great results from our spelling test in week 4. Keep up the good work.
Don't forget - bring in an empty Kinder surprise container for science if you can
The Health Promoting Team is running a competition to see who can create a really tasty, healthy lunchbox. This competition is open to all Middle and Senior school students. You will need to take a photo of your lunch, and write a paragraph to explain why you have chosen to include those items. Send your photo and explanation to Mrs Todd at sherylt@stmarysrotorua.school.nz
Closing date – 28 May 2015
The winner in the Middle and Senior school will each win a healthy lunch provided by the school.
Week 4
As you will know, I have been away from school with a virus. If your child has spots/rash, please go to the Dr to get checked. Do not return to school until the spots have disappeared.
This looks like a very busy week. On Tuesday we are fortunate to be going to the JPC performance of Beauty and the Beast. I am really looking forward to it. The leading girl in the play used to be a Room 3 student!!
On Wednesday we will be having a presentation about Healthy Lunches. All parents are invited to attend.
Does your family buy Sanitarium breakfast cereal? If so, please keep your receipts because they are giving away sports balls. You need to buy 6 packets of cereal to get your own ball, or we could try collecting receipts in room 3 to get some for the class.
Don't forget - camp forms are due back. Please hand in to me, not to the office.
Week 3
Well done to everyone who brought back their reading log. Not quite 100% so we will have to try for that next term. You will need your PE gear again this week. If you have not already brought in your needle and thread, please make sure you have it ready this week. We have some spare for those who do not have one.
On 13 May, Jasmin Jackson from the Heart Foundation will be coming to present a workshop on healthy lunches. All year 5 and 6 students will be attending and we would like to invite all St Mary's parents to attend. The presentation will be from 1.30-2.30 in the hall, and I am sure will be very interesting and informative. I look forward to seeing you there.
Week 2
Make sure you have returned your holiday reading log. On Friday only 60% of the class had brought their form back.
Please have your PE gear at school every day this week. We will continue with our cross country training when the weather is fine so be prepared.
Lakes District Health Board PRESENTS
Tuesday 5 May 2015, 7.30pm
Edmund Rice Centre @ John Paul College, Whitworth Road, Rotorua
Nathan is a trustee for The Brainwave Trust and is a sought after trainer.
Nathan’s presentation makes use of real-life examples and case study material, in an accessible, interactive manner. This is an invaluable opportunity for everyone raising children.
Welcome back to Term 2 in Room 3. Well done if you are reading this notice! I have been disappointed by the number of students and their families who are still not checking the blog weekly. This is where all information about our class can be found, including examples of work and photos of events. I will be getting all the students to bring home the blog address again this week so that everyone knows where to look.
This term, our concept is Sustainability and our main focus will be on renewable energy. This is a long term, 11 weeks, and we will have a lot of projects to work on during that time. Later in the term, we will be investigating the use of plastic bags. Please start collecting plastic carrier bags now - but do not bring them in yet. For the first week, we will be concentrating on Anzac Day and will be making Anzac biscuits on Thursday.
Can you please bring in a sewing needle (and thread if you want to choose your own colour). We will be sewing reusable juicy holders in class. If you do not buy juicies, you will have a choice of other items to make.
Reminder - you need to bring back your holiday reading log. You can record any books you have read and include books you have had read to you. I would like to see a 100% participation from Room 3 students. If you have lost your 'official' log, just write your books on a piece of paper and get it signed.
We will be having a reading challenge running in class this term. I will hand out the reading bingo cards this week and explain how they work. For week 1, I will be handing out an Anzac themed homework task. The rest of the homework, including spelling, will be on the blog as usual.
A message from Mr Macmillan:
This Saturday is ANZAC day and in the past we have attended the parade and Civic Memorial Service. This ANZAC is a special one so I would like to invite all of our children to participate. The parade starts at 9.00am from the Lakefront Memorial and the children will walk as a school to the Rotorua Energy Events Centre commencing at 9.30am. The service normally lasts for an hour 1/4 to hour and a 1/2. If children and parents want to be involved in this, they will need to meet me at 8.30am at Lakefront Memorial.
Week 9
We have swimming for the last time on Monday. Bring your togs please.
You will need to have the clothes you are wearing for the play at school on Monday. We will be rehearsing in our full costumes on Monday and Tuesday.
Wednesday is a very busy day. First, we have Kick It so you will need your PE gear. After morning tea we will be performing our play for our families and 4 classes. If you have lines to learn, please practice at home. Have you brought in your props? Have you given your family their invitation?After the play, we will be having our Medieval Feast with Room 1. Have you decided what to bring? We have discussed in class the type of foods that would be suitable. All the students who tried out a recipe for homework have some good ideas.
Week 8
This is a very busy week so please read all the notices carefully. I know Hemi and Joseph did just that last week and they have been rewarded with extra ticks on the Roll of Honour for doing so.
Please check the props list below to see if you have anything we can use in our play. Thanks to everyone who has already brought items in.
A few students are leaving their Chromebooks in the class overnight. Please do not do this. If you have a Chromebook you need to take it home every night. It is your responsibility, not mine.
All homework for the term is due this Friday.
The swimming sports are on Monday and everyone has taken home a notice about the event. Please make sure you are dropped off between 8.30 and 8.45 and collected between 2.30 and 3.00. You must have a hat, sunblock, lunch and a drink.
On Wednesday we have Kick It. I expect to see everyone in their PE gear. Last week, only half the class remembered.
On Thursday, the school leaders are being presented with their badges at a liturgy in the hall at 1.30. All are welcome.
Friday is a mufti day (gold coin please). We have the Palm Sunday Parade at 10am on the field. Our lunch on Friday will be a bowl of rice to show solidarity for those who live with hunger. The money collected from the mufti day will go to this year's Caritas appeal in support of the Philippines.
Week 10
week of term 4!!!!
is on Monday at 9.00. If you are a
reader at this, or at the Missioning on Wednesday, please make sure you have
practised at home.
hope everyone who entered the Sanitarium Tryathlon enjoyed themselves. Our school fun Tryathlon is tomorrow at
10.30. You will need your togs, bike and
school magazine will be available on Wednesday for collection. If you would like to order a copy, they cost
Everyone should have
taken home most of their books on Friday.
If you still have things to take home, please bring a plastic bag on
Week 9 Notices
Busy, busy, busy.
Breaking news - NO HOMEWORK THIS WEEK! But there is still a final spelling test to
go. :)
I hope everyone who went on the Christmas float had a good
We have swimming this week.
Please make sure you have your swimming gear on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Coming up this week:
Monday - Museum trip.
Tuesday - we are making mini biscuit houses. You will need to bring your own extras for
decorations. Remember, it is just a mini house so don't
bring a tonne of food.
Secret Santa gifts can go under the tree from Tuesday
onwards. Remember to label your gift
carefully but it is a SECRET so don't say who it is from.
Thursday - We are making our mini Christmas trees this
week. To make your decorations, you will
need to try and find some or all of the following:
Small pieces of tinsel, old or broken Christmas decorations,
gold or silver paper or foil, last year's Christmas cards. You may have some other ideas of your own.
Thursday - end of year Mass. Make sure you are in your full
correct uniform.
Friday - Senior school fun day. Bring lunch, drink, good behaviour, full
school uniform, smile on your face. Don't forget to bring your money ($2)
before Friday.
Week 8
It was great to see all the Room 3 students participating
and having fun at the athletics day on Friday.
We have lots of sporty people in our class.
If you are working in Room 3 for Artastic this week, can you please see if you can get a shoe box lid to bring in . Lid only please - we don't need the box.
If you are working in Room 3 for Artastic this week, can you please see if you can get a shoe box lid to bring in . Lid only please - we don't need the box.
Please bring in a needle for a sewing activity we will be
doing this week. If you have any thread
that is a Christmas colour, you could bring that too.
The year 6 students will be on Retreat at the church all day
on Friday with Mrs Dunkley and I. The
year 5 students will remain at school with Mr James and Ms Nelson.
We are fortunate enough to be going to the museum next week for an activity related to
our art and symbolism lessons. This
activity has a cost of $2 but as everyone paid $1 last term for the water trip
which had to be cancelled, everyone will need to pay just $1. Thank you to those students who have already
All library books were due back on Friday. If you still have books at home, please bring
them in NOW!
Student led conferences are on Monday after school. I am sure your families will enjoy discussing
the work you have been doing this year.
Messages from Mr Macmillan
Next Saturday is the Christmas Parade and we have entered a float
into the parade. St Michael’s children will also be with us, so it will be a
combined Catholic Schools’ presence. Children who wish to join in should come
dressed as Angels, Shepherds, Wise Men or stable animals (cows and sheep). A
note will go home tomorrow. Mums and Dads can also join us.
The PTA has distributed raffle books to our families last week and some
very good prizes are on offer. The raffle is going to be drawn in the last week
of term.
Message from Mr Macmillan
Working Bee
Please note that the working bee for Saturday 21 November has
been postponed until Saturday 28 November.
Athletics at JPC was postponed on Friday. It will now be on this Friday 27th
November. Once again, you will need to
check the website for cancellation notices on the day. If your child usually attends Glenholme after
school care, Maryanne is able to collect students from the event but you must
arrange this with her.
We are swimming every day this week.
We have our flag referendum this week. You will be able to vote for your preferred flag.
Student Led Conferences
Student Led
Conferences will take place on Monday 30 November from 3.15pm to 7.00pm. The
conference takes place in your child's classroom and bookings will be set at 5
minute intervals. However this does not mean that conferences are only limited
to 5 minutes in the classroom. You may take as much time as you wish and other
parents and students will also be present in the classroom at these times.
Bookings for
your time slot may now be accessed:
Week 6
Athletics day is postponed until next Friday, 27 November. Don't forget your supplies for Artastic.
Athletics Day
If your child attends Glenholme After school care, and you need them picked up by MaryAnne from JPC after Athletics, can you please let her know as soon as possible. She is happy to offer this service but would like an indication of how many need to be collected.
Please keep the people of Paris, and all those affected by war, in your prayers this week.
A busy week ahead with the Ahurei performance on Wednesday
and, weather permitting, Athletics day on Friday.
Please have your PE gear at school every day in case there
is a break in the rain.
Message from Mr Macmillan -
Saturday 21st November, we intend to have a
working bee to complete a few jobs around the school. A notice was sent home on
Thursday with the list of jobs and if you are able to help please indicate the
jobs you might be able to help with and return the form back to school please.
Week 5
We are going to go to the skate park on Tuesday, as long as
the weather stays fine. Pray to Saint
Medard, the patron saint for keeping bad weather away, for a bit of help! We will be leaving at 11.00.
We have swimming every day this week, except Tuesday. We also have PE on Thursday so make sure you
have your PE gear.
Ahurei (kapa haka) tickets are on sale from the office now.
Week 4
Our trip to the skate park has had to be postponed because of a bad weather forecast for tomorrow. Grrrr. We have had a bad run this year with class trips.
You will need your PE gear on Tuesday and Thursday this week for our final Badminton lessons.
If you are planning a PLS, please bring in a large box or piece of sturdy cardboard.
On Wednesday we are walking down to review the skatepark. We have enough parent helpers, thank you. We will be walking from school leaving at 11:00am and returning to school around 1:30pm. Students will need to bring their wheels, water, a snack and a helmet if they intend to ride at the skate park.
On Friday it is Grandparents and Grandfriends day. All are welcome to join us for Mass at 9am and then stay to have morning tea with the students.
Please note - the trip to the skate park is on 4th November. Please bring back the signed form this week.
We have swimming this week - please be prepared
If you did not bring in a box of tissues at the beginning of the year, please bring some in now. We have had a lot of people with hayfever and colds this year and we have run out! I have brought in 14 boxes myself this year.
Week 2
We have Badminton lessons this week on Tuesday and Thursday. Please make sure you have your PE gear.
Friday is World Food Day, the international day of action to end hunger. More than 800 million people, about one in nine worldwide, suffer from chronic hunger, according to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations.
If you have something you can spare at home, bring along a can or jar of food and we will deliver it to the Church food bank. Please make sure you ask your parents first.
Welcome back to Room 3 for the last term of 2015. Please make sure you have everything you need for a successful term of learning.
Swimming starts TOMORROW! You will need to have your swimming gear and a towel every day in ODD weeks. If you are not swimming you must have a note explaining why.
We have a big focus on art and symbolism this term. One item I have asked you to bring this term is an empty muesli bar box - I have shown everyone an example in class. See me if you need a reminder. If you don't have muesli/cereal bars at your house, I am sure there will be someone who can bring in a spare.
All students should be in either winter or summer uniform in week one, not a mixture of both. Everyone will need to be in full summer uniform after Labour Weekend ( week 3). Don't forget - school hats are compulsory in term 4.
The new Prayer roster can be found on the RE tab. Please check to see if you are on this term.
Please check the homework tab to see what is happening this term.
I hope you have been doing a lot of reading over the holidays - I have. Bring back your reading logs to enter into the draw.
We need 32 small cones similar to this for a Christmas art activity later in the term. If you have any, please bring them in.
Week 10 - Camp!!
Make sure you have everything ready by checking the information on the camp tab. I hope all the Year 6 students have a great time in Auckland - I will see you all on Friday, or next term if you are having Friday off. For both year 5 and year 6 students, please make sure to ring the office if you are not coming to school on Thursday or Friday after camp.
Week 9
Week 8
Mufti Day on Friday - Gold coin please.
Week 7
Make sure you have everything ready by checking the information on the camp tab. I hope all the Year 6 students have a great time in Auckland - I will see you all on Friday, or next term if you are having Friday off. For both year 5 and year 6 students, please make sure to ring the office if you are not coming to school on Thursday or Friday after camp.
Week 9
Information about the year 5 camp will be sent home this week. For all students, please check the blog for information and gear lists.
We have our trip to the Rotorua spring on Friday. I will contact the parents who have offered to help, thanks.
I have been doing A LOT of marking this weekend. Well done to the students who put effort into their Long Walk to Water tasks. I enjoyed reading them. Four students will be getting a new water bottle as a reward for their efforts (thanks to Mrs Quirke).
We will be having Goldentime on THURSDAY this week due to our trip and the gym competition. We are making Pita Pizzas. I will supply the pita bread and pizza sauce - you will need to bring your toppings. I would suggest you get into a small group and all bring a SMALL amount of a different topping each. Pita bread is quite small so do not bring a mountain of toppings please!
Week 8
Mufti Day on Friday - Gold coin please.
We are very excited to announce that we have partnered with Pita Pit Rotorua to provide a Healthy, Nutritious, Delicious and Affordable lunch option. Lunches will be available from next Thursday 10th of September 2015. Pita Pit Rotorua have put together a competitive menu for us, including 7 different flavours to choose from ranging from Happy Ham to Falafel, and the full range of salads that are available at their store. They will also be able to provide Charlies Juice Packs, Charlies Sipper Water, Cookies, Brownie and sliced Apple. A Kids Pita including Lettuce, Cheddar Cheese, a choice of one sauce and two salads will cost $4.50.
Pita Pit will be using the www.lunchonline.co.nz platform for parents to order from. The cut off time for orders is 9.00am on the day, and you can also order in advance for up to 20 days. The lunches will be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the remainder of term 3 and term 4. Please go to www.lunchonline.co.nz register your children and link them to St Mary’s Catholic Primary School. Once you have set up your account you will need to make a payment of a minimum of $20 before you can order (credit card or bank account transfer options are available) and then you are set to order from the Pita Pit menu.
The team from Pita Pit Rotorua came to the school on Wednesday before the launch with samples of some of the salads for the children to try and everyone agreed it was delicious!!
Week 7
The parent camp meetings are at 5pm on Wednesday. Everyone took home a notice about this last week.
This week we are working on tessellations for maths. If you can bring in an empty cereal box, that would be very helpful.
Thank you to Kate for bringing in toetoe for our kites next term. We will need more and still need lots of bullrushes.
EVERYONE, please make sure you have your PE gear at school.
If you have a leader's badge or service badge, please make sure you are wearing it every day at school.
Week 6

Next term, I am going to be making Te Manu Tukutuku kites with a group of senior students (and with some help from Kassidy's mum). In order to make them we will need LOTS of toetoe and raupo (see pictures below). If you live on a farm, or will be visiting one during the holidays, see if you can bring in some.
We still need more empty 2 or 3 litre milk bottles. On Thursday, weather permitting, we will be going on a walk. It would be good if we could have 2 parents to accompany us. If you are able to help, please email me.
Week 5
If you took home a bag to test the flow of your shower, please bring back your results on Tuesday. Make sure you know what you need to do for spelling this week - check the spelling page for details.
If you have 2 or 3 litre empty milk bottles, please start to bring them in (washed out first please). We will need at least 2 per person.
Week 4
Don't forget - no school on Monday
Week 3
Homework starts this week. Please check the Homework tab to find your instructions for this term.
You will need your PE gear on Monday.
Portfolios are due back at the end of the week. If you have a parent teacher interview you will need to bring your portfolio back for that.
We still have 5 students who have not returned their Reading Logs. Please bring in on Monday. You can also return your Matariki art competition entry on Monday if you have not yet done that.

Please make sure you have your PE gear on Monday and Tuesday ready for Pass It.
School photos are on Monday. You need to be in clean and tidy winter uniform.
Week 5
If you took home a bag to test the flow of your shower, please bring back your results on Tuesday. Make sure you know what you need to do for spelling this week - check the spelling page for details.
If you have 2 or 3 litre empty milk bottles, please start to bring them in (washed out first please). We will need at least 2 per person.
Week 4
Don't forget - no school on Monday
All Year 6 students need to return their permission slips with regard to the upcoming pre-puberty classes. As of Friday, only 4 students had returned their forms to me.
Once again, you will need your PE gear on Monday and Thursday this week.
Have you looked everywhere on the blog this week? Do you know what the word of the week is? Have you found your spelling list?
School Disco : NOT TO BE MISSED!!!
Thursday 13 August 5.30pm to 7.00pm, Door entry $2.00.
If any parents are available to assist during the evening please phone Heidi on 021 911305.
Week 3
School Disco : NOT TO BE MISSED!!!
Thursday 13 August 5.30pm to 7.00pm, Door entry $2.00.
If any parents are available to assist during the evening please phone Heidi on 021 911305.
On Friday, 7th August, we celebrate the Feast Day of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. Mass is at 9.00am, followed by a number of activities, then class shared lunches. We would like children to bring a plate of food they can share at lunchtime. A note has gone home about this.
Please have your PE gear at school on Monday and Thursday this week.
Week 2Homework starts this week. Please check the Homework tab to find your instructions for this term.
You will need your PE gear on Monday.
Portfolios are due back at the end of the week. If you have a parent teacher interview you will need to bring your portfolio back for that.
We still have 5 students who have not returned their Reading Logs. Please bring in on Monday. You can also return your Matariki art competition entry on Monday if you have not yet done that.
Welcome back to term 3. This term our concept is Cycles with our main focus being on the water cycle. Later this term we will be off to camp so we have a lot to fit in before then.
Please make sure you have all the stationery you need this week. Lots of students had mislaid their rulers and pens by the end of term 2.
We have our catch up sessions of Hit It (Tennis and Badminton) this week so make sure you have your PE gear at school.
The Prayer Roster for term 3 is on the RE tab. Please check to see if you are on this term.
Homework will be a little different this term. It will still be posted on our blog, along with all the notices. Most of your homework will need to be submitted via your google account. We will go over this in class.
Reading logs are due back - if you have lost your official form just write your name and class number on a piece of paper and make a list of the books you have read these holidays.
Thank you to everyone who has helped keep our classroom nut free. Anyone who brings nut products to school is able to eat them outside.
Parents - please make sure I have your up to date email address. A recent message I sent to parents came back from one or two parents. If you have changed your email address, please contact me at sherylt@stmarysrotorua.school.nz
Week 11
Week 10
Last week of Term 2! Do you think you have managed to get 10 ticks on the Roll of Honour? Find out on Friday.
There is no homework this week. All homework for the term was due on Friday. We will find out on Monday who will be collecting a homework certificate for their Page of Pride.
On Tuesday we will be going to the Marae for the day. Please make sure your uniform is clean and tidy. You will need a warm jacket as we are outside for most of the day. Reminder to any parent helpers - women must wear a skirt on the marae, not trousers. We will have a hangi lunch there so DO NOT order your lunch. We will be working on crafts while we are there. If you have flax growing in your garden, and can spare a few leaves, please bring in on Monday. We are also looking for spare balls of wool for a string game. If you have any going spare, again please bring in on Monday.
We have Hit It this week - you will need your PE gear every day.
On Thursday, we are having a pizza lunch bought for us by the PTA as our reward for donating the most items to the gala in Term 1. We will also have our treat for reaching 10 ice cream scoop compliments.
The Figure it Out plan worked!! I think we had 12 entries in total. Interesting.....Week 10
Because we have so few students and families who read our lovely blog, this week the Figure it Out is only available to bloggers. Please keep it a secret as this is your reward for doing the right thing and reading the notices. See Mrs Todd for your clue on Monday.
I am still after a couple of unwanted bicycle wheels to hang from the ceiling in the classroom. Any condition - they are to suspend artwork from.
Bring in a plastic or foam disposable plate, bowl or cup - the sort you would take on a picnic or have at a party. We are going to be comparing sustainable and non-sustainable items.
Can you also please bring any plastic bags you have collected over the term. We will be using them over the next 2 weeks. One of the things we will be making is a plastic bag kite. If you can bring in a couple of sticks (about the length of a plastic bag and about as thin as a chopstick) that would be very useful. The sticks could be thin plastic or bamboo, or a couple of twigs you have found in the garden. They must be strong enough to support your kite but not too heavy.
Matariki has begun and to celebrate Room 3 will be cooking and eating together on Thursday. We will be making healthy stuffed potatoes. I will bring in the potatoes but students will need to provide the following:
1 tablespoon of filling (can be a combination of a few different things, or just one filling)
A fork, plate and spoon.
Some suggestions for fillings are - grated cheese, baked beans, sweetcorn, sour cream, herbs, spring onion, ham. You may have some ideas of your own.
Christmas Shoe Box appeal- Operation Christmas Child- Samaritans Purse
Over the next two weeks we would like to collect items for the Shoe box appeal. Please send to room 17. Things like toothbrushes, hairbrushes, small notebooks, pencils, small toys.
To see more visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPMW99qa_uM
Over the next two weeks we would like to collect items for the Shoe box appeal. Please send to room 17. Things like toothbrushes, hairbrushes, small notebooks, pencils, small toys.
To see more visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPMW99qa_uM
Week 9
There are many messages this week. Please read carefully.
Please take the time to look through your child's RE book and leave a comment. The books are due back by Thursday this week.
Our farewell feast for Alex on Friday was great because most people took heed of the message - healthy lunch. The food was lovely which just proves healthy isn't boring!
On Wednesday we have our Science Display. Everyone made, and took home, an invitation last week. You will be able to look through the work in all senior classrooms from 3-5.15pm.
This week, once the science display is over, we are going to continue with our sewing and will be making a monster. We will need some old cushions or pillows to take apart to use for stuffing. If you have any you no longer want, please bring in on THURSDAY. I will talk about the other items required in class.
Year 6 Camp Sausage Sizzle Fundraising
In Term 3, the PTA gives parents of Year 6 children an opportunity to run the sausage sizzles on Fridays. The profit is divided between those parents who help (and how often), and it goes towards their child's camp fees. We are looking for several parents to organise the parent rosters, and generally, who are the people parents contact about the sausage sizzle. If you are willing to help, please contact Brigit Nieuwboer as soon as possible so that we can get everything organised to start next term.
This week signals the Māori New Year as the Matariki star cluster is visible in our skies. We celebrate this occasion with a family night at the Museum on Saturday 20 June 2015, from 5pm until 9pm.
Matariki Whānau Night @ Rotorua Museum
Saturday 20 June 2015, 5pm-9pm
Come and celebrate the Māori New Year at Rotorua Museum with Cosmodome Planetarium, Travelling Tuataras, crafts, face painting, music for a fun family night out.
There will only be 6 sessions of the Cosmodome during the night so book tickets in advance at Rotorua Museum reception. Tickets: Adults: $5, Children (5-15 years): $3, Under 5 years: Free.
I am very disappointed with some of the behaviour of some of the students in Room 3. Our value this term is Respect and I am not seeing that value being exhibited by all children. This week, after spending many hours working on their Science project, Mele and Kate were devastated to discover their models had been tampered with, and indeed, broken. Fortunately, they can be repaired but will cost their valuable time that they could have been using to add more to their lovely projects. The moral of the story is - show respect for others, and their property.
Week 8
You will need to start bringing in your supplies to create your renewable energy model in class this week. Those students who have been doing their homework this term will have lots of good ideas and extras to add to their display (which just proves that hard work does pay off).
Everyone will have decided last week on what renewable energy model they are going to make and should have shown me their outline ideas.
Some Room 3 students have made a great start on IXL. Remember to practice at the correct level. It is no good if the work is too hard or too easy.
Sacred Heart Mass is at 9am on Friday. All welcome.
Week 7
This week I will be issuing passwords for IXL, a maths programme that can be used at school and at home. If you want to know how good it is at helping you improve your maths skills, just ask Joseph in our class.
Everyone should be thinking about their renewable energy task and starting to collect items at home. You can start bringing things in on Friday ready for the following week. All work will be done in class but you can of course try out some ideas at home for your model.
Assessment Task: Week 9, Senior Science Display
1. Working individually, create a model of a renewable energy source that will be part of a science display. Week 6
Well done to everyone in Room 3 for returning their camp forms. All parents have now been notified as to who is going as a parent helper on both year 5 and year 6 camps.
Don't forget - the Healthy Lunch Competition ends on Thursday. I am very keen to see your entries. Remember, if you are unable to take a photo at home, bring in your lunchbox with your healthy lunch and I will take the photo for you.
Friday is Mufti Day. Please bring a gold coin donation. I understand the money is going to support the people of Nepal.
This looks like a fairly interruption-free week (so far) so we will be able to get lots of work done. Make sure you come to school ready for learning.
Have you shown your family some of our recent entries on the blog? Celebrate your learning by sharing it with them.
Week 5 - lots of messages this week. Please read them all!
I hope everyone who was away sick last week is now fit and well.
On Friday, we have Pentecost Mass at 11am. We will be joined by St Michael's school who will then be coming back to spend some time at school until we leave for the Cross County event at the Redwoods. The Cross Country starts at 1.00
We would be pleased to see parents at both the Mass and the Cross Country.
All children in the senior school will be going on camp in Term 3. Forms were due back on Friday but unfortunately there are still a few outstanding. If you have any concerns regarding costs, please make an appointment to see Mr Macmillan. At this stage we just need to have the forms completed and returned.
Homework. Please note - you can only take part in Homeworkopoly if you hand in one of the homework grid tasks and complete the Image of the Week. Some students have been submitting all their homework via their Other Learning Area folder and that is great. Just remember, whichever way you choose to hand in your homework, it is due on FRIDAY.
We had great results from our spelling test in week 4. Keep up the good work.
Don't forget - bring in an empty Kinder surprise container for science if you can
The Health Promoting Team is running a competition to see who can create a really tasty, healthy lunchbox. This competition is open to all Middle and Senior school students. You will need to take a photo of your lunch, and write a paragraph to explain why you have chosen to include those items. Send your photo and explanation to Mrs Todd at sherylt@stmarysrotorua.school.nz
Closing date – 28 May 2015
The winner in the Middle and Senior school will each win a healthy lunch provided by the school.
Week 4
As you will know, I have been away from school with a virus. If your child has spots/rash, please go to the Dr to get checked. Do not return to school until the spots have disappeared.
This looks like a very busy week. On Tuesday we are fortunate to be going to the JPC performance of Beauty and the Beast. I am really looking forward to it. The leading girl in the play used to be a Room 3 student!!
On Wednesday we will be having a presentation about Healthy Lunches. All parents are invited to attend.
Does your family buy Sanitarium breakfast cereal? If so, please keep your receipts because they are giving away sports balls. You need to buy 6 packets of cereal to get your own ball, or we could try collecting receipts in room 3 to get some for the class.
Don't forget - camp forms are due back. Please hand in to me, not to the office.
Don't forget - camp forms are due back. Please hand in to me, not to the office.
Week 3
Well done to everyone who brought back their reading log. Not quite 100% so we will have to try for that next term. You will need your PE gear again this week. If you have not already brought in your needle and thread, please make sure you have it ready this week. We have some spare for those who do not have one.
On 13 May, Jasmin Jackson from the Heart Foundation will be coming to present a workshop on healthy lunches. All year 5 and 6 students will be attending and we would like to invite all St Mary's parents to attend. The presentation will be from 1.30-2.30 in the hall, and I am sure will be very interesting and informative. I look forward to seeing you there.
Week 2
Make sure you have returned your holiday reading log. On Friday only 60% of the class had brought their form back.
Please have your PE gear at school every day this week. We will continue with our cross country training when the weather is fine so be prepared.
Lakes District Health Board PRESENTS
Tuesday 5 May 2015, 7.30pm
Edmund Rice Centre @ John Paul College, Whitworth Road, Rotorua
Nathan is a trustee for The Brainwave Trust and is a sought after trainer.
Nathan’s presentation makes use of real-life examples and case study material, in an accessible, interactive manner. This is an invaluable opportunity for everyone raising children.
Welcome back to Term 2 in Room 3. Well done if you are reading this notice! I have been disappointed by the number of students and their families who are still not checking the blog weekly. This is where all information about our class can be found, including examples of work and photos of events. I will be getting all the students to bring home the blog address again this week so that everyone knows where to look.
This term, our concept is Sustainability and our main focus will be on renewable energy. This is a long term, 11 weeks, and we will have a lot of projects to work on during that time. Later in the term, we will be investigating the use of plastic bags. Please start collecting plastic carrier bags now - but do not bring them in yet. For the first week, we will be concentrating on Anzac Day and will be making Anzac biscuits on Thursday.
Can you please bring in a sewing needle (and thread if you want to choose your own colour). We will be sewing reusable juicy holders in class. If you do not buy juicies, you will have a choice of other items to make.
Reminder - you need to bring back your holiday reading log. You can record any books you have read and include books you have had read to you. I would like to see a 100% participation from Room 3 students. If you have lost your 'official' log, just write your books on a piece of paper and get it signed.
We will be having a reading challenge running in class this term. I will hand out the reading bingo cards this week and explain how they work. For week 1, I will be handing out an Anzac themed homework task. The rest of the homework, including spelling, will be on the blog as usual.
A message from Mr Macmillan:
This Saturday is ANZAC day and in the past we have attended the parade and Civic Memorial Service. This ANZAC is a special one so I would like to invite all of our children to participate. The parade starts at 9.00am from the Lakefront Memorial and the children will walk as a school to the Rotorua Energy Events Centre commencing at 9.30am. The service normally lasts for an hour 1/4 to hour and a 1/2. If children and parents want to be involved in this, they will need to meet me at 8.30am at Lakefront Memorial.
This Saturday is ANZAC day and in the past we have attended the parade and Civic Memorial Service. This ANZAC is a special one so I would like to invite all of our children to participate. The parade starts at 9.00am from the Lakefront Memorial and the children will walk as a school to the Rotorua Energy Events Centre commencing at 9.30am. The service normally lasts for an hour 1/4 to hour and a 1/2. If children and parents want to be involved in this, they will need to meet me at 8.30am at Lakefront Memorial.
We have swimming for the last time on Monday. Bring your togs please.
You will need to have the clothes you are wearing for the play at school on Monday. We will be rehearsing in our full costumes on Monday and Tuesday.
Wednesday is a very busy day. First, we have Kick It so you will need your PE gear. After morning tea we will be performing our play for our families and 4 classes. If you have lines to learn, please practice at home. Have you brought in your props? Have you given your family their invitation?After the play, we will be having our Medieval Feast with Room 1. Have you decided what to bring? We have discussed in class the type of foods that would be suitable. All the students who tried out a recipe for homework have some good ideas.
Week 8
Props required for our play - please start bringing in now.
Plastic fruit and veges, chamber pot, old dark clothes, aprons, stocks (pillory), sawdust, large bell, baskets, wicker trays, fake cherry pie (or real mini pies that you could bring as your contribution to the Medieval feast, large toy pig/sheep, goose grease (dripping from a roast saved in a glass jar), bread rolls, hot cross buns, Plague Dr mask, fake chicken, fake rat, ale bottles, jug, steps, town wall and gate, cabbages or similar, velvet or cloth bag with drawstring, large keys, sheriff badge.
Week 7
We have swimming on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday this week. On Wednesday you will need your PE gear. Make sure you have it please. Learning ball skills in a dress is not very practical.
Your RE book is due back on Monday.
If you have any of the props we can use in our play, you can start bringing them in now. No perishables until week 9 please! Make sure you get permission from someone at home before you start bringing things in.
Let me know if you have read the blog this week by leaving a comment on one of our entries. You can choose any entry to comment on and I will be able to see it.
Don't forget - you only have 2 weeks left to complete 8 boxes on the homework grid.
Week 6
Upcoming meeting:
Parent Information Sessions
If you have a Chromebook, please make sure it is at school this week.
We have Kick It on Wednesday. Please make sure you have your correct PE gear at school.
This week, we will be working on our individual medieval studies. Remember, you are allowed to find information and pictures at home, but the work will be done in class. Bring in any resources you have found.
We will be needing a lot of props for our play later this term. We have already discussed some in class. I will post a list of things that you might be able to find at home later in the week.
Parent Information Sessions
Friday 13 March 8.45am in the Library
Target group: Year 3 or Year 6 parents who haven't been to one of our Google Apps parent information sessions last year. Any parent is welcome to attend. Agenda: What is a Google Apps for Education account?What is a Chromebook? Why are we using these in our Year 3-6 classrooms?
Friday 20 March 10am ( once Mass is finished) in the Library or Wednesday 25 March 5.15pm in R14
This is the same session offered twice - one option during the school day an another option after school.
Target group: Parents with children in Year 3-6 classes
Agenda: How can I assist my child to make use of their Google Apps account for learning purposes?
We have Kick It on Wednesday. Please make sure you have your correct PE gear at school.
This week, we will be working on our individual medieval studies. Remember, you are allowed to find information and pictures at home, but the work will be done in class. Bring in any resources you have found.
We will be needing a lot of props for our play later this term. We have already discussed some in class. I will post a list of things that you might be able to find at home later in the week.
Wow - Week 5 already!
Week 5 Notices
I would like to congratulate the year 6 students on the way they are helping the year 5 students adapt to senior school life with their sensible behaviour and great work ethic. They are good role models for our younger students.
This week we have swimming again.
If you have a Chromebook, please make sure it is at school this week.
We will be using clay for art this week. Please remember to bring in the decorative elements for your cross. It would also be very helpful if you could bring in some newspaper to cover your desk.
The Gala is on Thursday. Joseph has brought in 100s of items to support the Gala. Well done to Joseph's family - I think they now have a completely empty house.
If you want to enter the cake decorating competition, please carefully read the notice below.
2015 School Gala Thursday 5 March – Cake Competition
Who can enter: Year 5 and 6 students
Judging Criteria: Cakes will be judged on how they are decorated - originality, imagination and effort involved will be considered. Judges will be looking to see that the child has received minimal adult assistance with the decoration of their cake.
Recipe: Students may have adult assistance to make a cake or may use a purchased cake. If you need a recipe you might like to use the recipe outlined below.
Entry details: Please drop all cakes off to the designated area in the hall between 8.15 and 8.45am on Thursday 5 March. The child’s name, class and year level must be indicated on the entry (complete and attach the entry form below). Judging will take place at 9am so any cake that arrives after that time will be gratefully received but will not be judged.
Preparing your entry: Please place all cakes on a cardboard base or a plastic tray. Keep in mind that people buying the cakes will not be expected to return any parts of your entry or the container it is in.
Buy back or donate to gala cake stall?
This year prizes will be given for two categories - “buy back” and “donated”. You need to choose which category you want to enter. You have the option to buy back your entry by paying $5 when you drop your cake off. You may prefer to donate your cake to the gala cake stall stand. Any cakes not paid for at the time of drop off will be donated to the gala cake stall. Cakes that you buy back will be returned to your classroom by 11.15am.
Awards to be issued:
Gold Awards - up to four awards for Year 5 and four for Year 6 ( maximum of two awards
for donated cake category and two awards for “buy back” cake category at each year level.
Silver Award - up to three awards at Year 5 and three awards for Year 6 for any highly
commended entry ( either category)
Note: The judges decision will be final.
Recipe for chocolate cake
Preheat oven to 180 degrees C
½ cup milk, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 3 tablespoons sifted cocoa, 2 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 75 gm melted butter, 1 cup sifted flour, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Place all ingredients in a bowl
and beat well. Put mixture into a lightly greased cake tin. Bake for 45 mins
Please cut off the form below and attach to your entry.

NB Please use a tick to indicate the category you wish to enter
Name: …………………………….. Room: ……. Year…….
……..“Buy Back” ($5 with entry please) ……… Donated
Week 4
Well done to the students in Room 3 who have really settled into our new school year. We have already received 6 scoops on our ice cream cone of compliments which is great. Good manners and good behaviour are always noticed so keep it up.
No swimming this week so make sure you have your PE gear in case the weather clears up. I was hoping we could make our pizza box ovens this week for Goldentime but the weather forecast is no good. To make solar ovens we need a hot, sunny day. If you do have pizza at home this week, save the box (Domino or Pizza hut boxes) and we will see if the weather is suitable in week 5 or 6. Don't bring boxes in until I ask for them please.
My email address has changed slightly to sherylt@stmarysrotorua.school.nz
Keep bringing in the Gala items. Our class won the prize for most items donated last year.
Week 3
We have swimming every day this week. On Tuesday we will be walking down to the Aquatic Centre for our follow up assessment with Swim It. We will be leaving at 8.45 as soon as the bell goes. Everyone needs to be in class at 8.30 when the first bell goes getting ready to leave. I will need to do the roll before we go and do not want to be waiting for people who are playing on the field. The rule at St Mary's is that when the first bell goes, students return to class. There are a few people who are not following that rule at the moment.
If you have a Chromebook, make sure it is at school on Monday.
The room is starting to look good.
Week 2
Room 3 have got off to a very good start with the students settling in very quickly. Please make sure you have all your stationery this week. Remember to check each week to see if you are on the Prayer roster.
We have Swim It lessons again this week. All students need to bring their togs every day or a note explaining why not.
The Meet the Teacher afternoon is this Thursday from 4.05 - 4.30 in Room 3.
Also on Thursday, we have our opening Mass at 2pm. Everyone is welcome. You may also want to join the parish for Mass on Tuesday at 6pm. Details were in last week's newsletter and are on the RE link on this blog. Students attending must be in uniform please.
Welcome to Term 1 in Room 3. Swimming starts TOMORROW. The senior school will be participating in Swim It lessons for the first two weeks of the term. We will then have our regular swimming lessons in the following ODD weeks. All students must have their swimming gear at school on all swimming days, or provide a note explaining why they are not swimming.
Room 3 students will be settling in to our routines from day one and I do not expect this to take long. The classroom is not open until 8.30 in the morning, at which time I expect all students to begin making their way to class. Our day starts promptly at 8.45 with Prayer.
Please ensure that your child has all their stationery requirements by the end of week 2. We use a blue pen for all lessons in Room 3, apart from Maths. Every student needs to bring a water bottle to keep on their desk during this hot term as I do not allow constant trips to the drinking fountain.
This term, our learning will be based around the concept of Communities, with a major focus on Medieval life. Our Literacy and Maths programmes will have links to this concept.
We have 2 students in our class this year who have serious allergies. I would prefer it if students did not bring nuts or nut products in their lunches in order to minimise the risk of cross contamination. Thank you for your help with this - I want all students to feel safe in Room 3.
I would be grateful if you could complete the slip at the foot of this letter so that I have all students' up to date contact information. If you would like to contact me at any time about a non-urgent matter, please make use of my school email address sherylt@stmarys.rotorua.school.nz . I check this every morning, however absences should still be telephoned through to the school office.
We have a great class blog. It can be accessed at room3stmarysrotorua.blogspot.com . Every week, two students are responsible for ensuring there is an entry on the blog. The same two students will also be responsible for class prayers for that week. A roster for this term is on display in our classroom, and on the blog under the RE tab.
Homework is issued on Mondays from week 2 and will be due each Friday. Those students who complete their homework each week will have an opportunity to take part in our Homeworkopoly game.
I look forward to a fun year of learning and discovery in Room 3.
Mrs Sheryl Todd
Child's name............................................................................................................
Parent's name.........................................................................................................
Email address........................................................................................................................................................................
Contact phone number......................................................................................................................................................
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