Friday, 28 November 2014

Swimming with the Year 2 Crew

This week, Room 3 went swimming with the kids from Mrs Tabuteau's class.  They taught the big kids how to enter the pool backwards, which was pretty cool.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Hot Chips!!

Mr Beckham surprised Room 3 today with hot chips for everyone.  It was his way of saying "thank you" to the class for picking up rubbish off the field every afternoon.  Room 3 are happy to do it for him but we are also very happy to have a treat!!

Thursday, 13 November 2014

From cereal box to work of art

This week, we turned ordinary cereal boxes into great 3D artwork.

First, we turned our boxes inside out and sealed them.

We left them to dry overnight, then the next day we painted them with pale blue.
Now we were ready to start adding detail.  First we painted a sun in one corner or along one edge.  Once that was dry, we added fabric rays to the sun and some small embellishments to add detail.

 The final piece of art looks fantastic on our wall!

Thanks to for the idea

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Snail Racing

Today we had some pretty amazing snail racing.  Mrs Todd's snail managed to eat through 2 maths worksheets before she noticed!

The Great Snail Race 2014 on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Room 3 Speech Finalists

Today we had the Senior School speech competition.  Room 3 was represented by Riya, Yana and Kim.  Yana was awarded Highly Commended and Riya was deservedly the FIRST PLACE WINNER!  We are so proud of them all.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Meringue recipe

Here is the recipe we used to make our ghost meringues on Friday.  They turned out really well and are not too hard to make.

1.     1 large egg white
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp vinegar
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 tbsp boiling water
2.     Preheat oven to 150degC (140degC fan bake) with the rack just below the middle. Line a large baking tray with a Teflon liner or baking paper (use a few drops of water or small dabs of mixture to stick it down and prevent curling up).
3.     Measure all the ingredients (in the order given), into the bowl of an electric beater. (The mixture will look watery and unlikely, but it does work!) Stand the bowl inside a larger container (or the sink) filled with hot water. On highest speed, beat until the mixture is smooth, stiff and piled high. (In warm weather we find the bowl of hot water is often unnecessary. If the mixture does not become white and fluffy after a few minutes beating though, stand the bowl in hot water, as suggested above.)
4.     Shape the mixture into 50-60 small meringues using two teaspoons,  or a thick plastic bag with the corner cut out, and place them onto the prepared baking tray.

5.     Bake for about an hour or until dried through.