Thursday 11 December 2014

New Zealand Christmas

New Zealand Christmas on PhotoPeach

Christmas Poems

When Christmas is coming to make you happy you have the joy in your heart and the world today or you can have some joy for another summers day for you and our lord for Christmas day
By: Alexius
A sandy sand beach A waves destroying sandcastles.
People with cool shades of black A lemonade with three block of ice.
You got fancy snowflakes and snowman We got a hot as sandman and sand flakes you couldn’t resist our summer Christmas
By Wylie
Dishing dashing on the slide, sitting in the sun where we’ll get fried, but the thing that we will always know is that there will be no winter snow. Splishing splashing in the pool feeling really happy and cool instead of freezing like a fool. The summer Christmas is super fun but its a shame when Christmas is done.
By Phebe
Christmas here Christmas there
You wear jumpers, We wear shorts
You stand by the fireplace, We stand by the waves
You’re shivering, We’re hot and cold
But all is fun, Christmas is for everyone
By: Yana
Shivering –boiling
It doesn’t matter where you are it’s still Christmas
By Samuel
Christmas is fun for everyone even though in England you’re in the cool snow breeze and in New Zealand your half way through the summer season you can still enjoy a nice warm roast or ham it’s still the same amount of fun for all people in the sun and the snow
There is no sown on our grand just the good old sun on my back but no matter where you are it is still Christmas.
By Ryan

Winters snow to summers sand, freezing flakes till burning sun you have white trees we have green Christmas is Christmas wherever you are.
By Libby

Christmas cards

Winter snow to sandy beaches crystal flakes and hot burning beaches we have sun and you have snow Christmas is the same with all the different seasons.
By Molly

Christmas cards
Ice cold snow, warm sunny beaches
Snowmen, sandcastles
Woolly clothes, shorts and t-shirts
Warm hot chocolate, iced cold drinks
Christmas her Christmas her Christmas everywhere
For you and me

Dashing through the snow that is not what we do
Playing in the sand that is what we do
Surfing and camping that is what we do
But where ever you are it is still Christmas
By Lauren

Dashing through the snow, no that’s not what we do, we run through grass.
Snow covered pine trees no that’s not here we have green puhtahkawa trees.
Snowy mountain tops but no we have golden sandy beaches.
But it doesn’t matter where you are it’s still Christmas.
By Chad

Winter, Summer
You have the snow we have the beach You drink hot coco and we drink nice cold fizzy Dashing through the snow that’s not what we do either roast or BBQ Summer or Winter it’s still Christmas for you and for me.
Don’t you just love Christmas in summer,
With the birds tweeting and in the trees,
and all the different colours on the leaves,
people making snow mans “no way” here we play on the beaches and have pavlova with strawberries,
The green grass on the fields and you has the snowy white fields
But remember that where ever you are its Christmas.
Christmas here Christmas there, you wear beanies we wear sunhats, you drink hot chocolate we drink ice chocolate, you wear jackets and we wear t shirts and shorts, Christmas here Christmas there, Christmas is still for everyone.
You wear this we wear that
You ride a sled we ride a water slide
You play snow fight we play sand fight
You make snow angles we make sand angle
Christmas here Christmas there
Christmas everywhere
Here in NZ we have Shelley sandy beaches but in Europe it’s more like cold snowy mountains and hot coca by the fire. But no matter where anyone is around the world Christmas is still Christmas.
By Anna
Elves and Santa dressed up in warm clothes, that’s what we do. Going to the beach that’s what we do. Dashing through the snow, that’s what we don’t do. Having Christmas Ham, that’s what we do. It doesn’t mean where you are its still Christmas.
Europe dash through the snow we do not, we play on the soft ground as if waiting to rot. Europe is winter new Zealand is summer it is the wrong way is it not. Is it not quire that Europe waits for winter and snow for we wait till dawn do play on Christmas day. Through you might be sad the only way to change it is to turn that frown upside down.
From Joseph
Santa dashing through the snow we don’t do that here in summer New ZEALAND SUMMER TOGS,POOLS WITH HEAPS OF sun but in cold Europe they have heaps of snow woolly clothes hot cocoa in cold Europe but hot in the sun with the waterslide in New Zealand but where every you go its Christmas time.
By Misty
Dashing through the snow that’s not what we know, we share our time eating lime, at the beach with a quich . In the waves ready to bathe, with the sun nearly done, going home come on knome enjoying Christmas in the summer sun thats what we do.
By Jessie-lee

Your making snow men all day long .Were playing on the beach all day .We have barbacues you don’t instead your eating roast chicken by the fire .It does not matter where ever you are it is still Christmas for everyone.
By Hemi

Here during Christmas
We don’t play in the snow We go to the beach
We don’t go ice skating We have a water slide
We don’t sit around the fire We have a barbeque
But no matter where you are during Christmas it will always great.

Walking in the snow... oh wait no I’m in New Zealand, we go to the beach not to the mountain, we have juice but you have hot chocolates but even your in the snow and we are in the sun Christmas is a time for everyone.

Cold freezing snow to boiling hot sun falling snow to big bright sun but the one thing that matters is that wherever are or wherever you go Christmas is Christmas
By Amelia
Dashing through the snow, no no we run in the sun .Santa in his wooley clothes ah ah Santa in his shorts and top .You have blankets we have sun hats, but it’s still Christmas
By polly

Summer and winter Christmas all around the world, in summer we drink cold drinks in winter you drink hot drinks. You play with snow but we don’t do that we play with sand and swim around. But wherever you are it is Christmas, in any season and any weather.
By Kim
Its Christmas time here instead of snow we have Shelly, sandy beaches. Over there they have chestnuts roasting away but here we have sausages burning on the Barbie. Instead of having cold, snowy, wintery days we have hot ,sandy ,summery days. Where ever you are we all still celebrate the joy of Christmas.
By: Stacey
You wear beannies we wear sun hats
You build snow men we build sand men
You make snow angles we make sand angles
You are freezing we are burning You are ice skating we are swimming
Christmas here Christmas there Christmas everywhere yay
By Campbell

You have winter, we have summer
Your weather is snowy, our weather is sunny
You build snowmen, we build sandcastles
You wear jackets, we wear singlets
You have hot coco, we have fresh cold lemonade
But no matter where ever you are Christmas is fun for everyone.
By Layton

Sunday 7 December 2014

Year 6 Camp

Day 2 - The Zoo on PhotoPeach

Day 2 - Beach and Games on PhotoPeach

Ice Skating! on PhotoPeach