Friday 30 August 2013

Wacky Hair Day

Room 3 certainly joined in with Wacky Hair.  Some great socks as well!!

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Milk in School

The Room 3 students are enjoying having a carton of cold milk every day after morning tea.

Friday 16 August 2013

Visit to the Red Cross Shop

I was very proud of the Room 3 students this week when we visited the Red Cross shop.  The students were in groups of 3 or 4.  We went to buy items that could be modified to make our Handy Holder inventions.  Every group was very well behaved and the staff complimented them on their good manners.  It was a great trip and everyone came back with lots of useful items.  I was also very proud when the students decided to donate their change to the Red Cross.  Well done to Harrisson for that great idea.

Friday 9 August 2013

Exciting News

Today Molly told us her exciting news.  Her sister Samantha, who used to go to St Mary's, is going to be playing netball for the Magic!  Wow - that is great.  Congratulations from Room 3.

Monday 5 August 2013

Hiroshima poem

It was all over. The bomb had been dropped and my hope was all destroyed. Right in front of me, my entire family vapourised into a white portrait. I cry for help but my voice is over covered by roars of chaos. I look around the town, white blank faced people lying on the ground with no chance of survival. I could see it now, all the destruction that has been done.

My Hiroshima poem

the bomb drops
but smoke rises along with souls
people dying
people crying
shadows printed on buildings
what do I say to nuclear
I say NO!
by Joseph

Poems to remember Hiroshima

Why should you live why should you die I ask is that bomb really little boy I ask ,why is it so that most of us died and few survived  I ask why Japan out of all countries was fried like a sauce pan so then I say why should you survive.



Wicked deaths everywhere,
Faces melting everywhere,
Anolagay zoomed off,
Smoke rising,
You are sad, gulity feeling bad,
Ive got no mother or father.

6th of August 1945,
Why out of all citys was it ours?

Black smoke everywhere.
