Friday 16 August 2013

Visit to the Red Cross Shop

I was very proud of the Room 3 students this week when we visited the Red Cross shop.  The students were in groups of 3 or 4.  We went to buy items that could be modified to make our Handy Holder inventions.  Every group was very well behaved and the staff complimented them on their good manners.  It was a great trip and everyone came back with lots of useful items.  I was also very proud when the students decided to donate their change to the Red Cross.  Well done to Harrisson for that great idea.


  1. The shop was cool and they gave us loads of cheap stuff. They really helped us with our invention.

  2. They really helped with our invention( as Louise said). When our group added up the price of everything it came to $7.20 but they tried to make us pay $2.00 but we said no and paid $4.00. It was a brilliant idea of Harrisson's wasn't it! Thank you for taking me Mrs.Todd and thank you Red Cross Shop for being so kind!!!!!!!!

    - Another one of my crazy comments (From Hazel!!)

  3. Great idea Harry. I think that was very generous and. That also gave us losing the hassle of who gets the spare money. Sean
