Thursday 7 November 2013

Trip to Owhata Marae

Today rooms 1 and 3 went to the Owhata Marae.
We learnt lots about Hinemoa and
Tutanekai and we had so much fun.


  1. The trip to the Owhata Marae was good fun and we learnt lots. ;)

  2. the trip to the owhata marae was good fun we learnt a lot. ;)

  3. Recently, room 3 went to a trip to the Owhata Marae to learn about Maori legends and Maori symbols. We looked at carvings and we also looked at Hinemoa's rock. My favourite part of the trip was when we got to climb up to the top of Hinemoa's rock.

  4. When we went to the Marae we learnt lots about Hinemoa and Tutanekai I thought is was really cool because they were real people and this is not just a legend

  5. We were allowed to climb up on top of Hinemoas rock! We also looked at the Tutanekai Wharenui but we weren't allowed in.


  6. The Marae was as interesting as ever my favourite thing was the rock of Hinemoa (300 years old and still there) it was also nice when our guide let us have a go climbing it. The most fascinating thing was all the Maori patterns there were lots of variations. Overall I thought the Marae trip was a great adventure. by Vedansh

  7. We also learnt the different kowhaiwhai patterns used in a marae and what they mean.

  8. It was really fun at the Marae. We learned lots about the true story about Hinemoa and Tutenekai.
    We learned about the Maori patterns and we even got to look at a real marae.


  9. When we went to the Marae we learnt so many interesting things about Hinemoa and Tutanekai which was amazing. My favourite part was when we got to climb up and down hinemoa's rock which was 300 years old!!
    It was so amazing thanks to all those people who helped to organize it.
    Matthew V

  10. it was great fun learning about tutanukai and hinemoa.the best bit was being able to climb the rock which is over 300 years old

  11. We went to the Marae to learn more about the story of Hinemoa and Tutanekai and to give us some good notes for our assessment task.
    - Alyssa

  12. We learnt many new parts of the story of Hinemoa and Tutanekai. Also we learnt that the lake has gone in lots we knew that because we saw the rock that Hinemoa sat on.

  13. We had loads of fun when we had a visit at the Marae. We also learnt lots of of information about a maori legend of Hinemoa and Tutanakai. There amazing patterns that we saw and had never seen before. Lets hope the info we wrote down on our notebook are useful for our maori task for this term.
