Monday 17 February 2014

Pasta Party

Pasta party
Mmm that was so good .Earlier today we made pasta sauce using our veges from the garden .There was tomato’s, marrow , garlic ,carrot and thyme .Every table got a job my table got to grate the carrot it was fun . Once all the veges were done they were cooked together ,then you add the pasta ,next it is ready to eat . Overall I think that the pasta was really nice and that Mrs Todd Is a really good cook. By Polly

Yummy!!! hmmmmm tasty!
Earlier this week we thought of making delicious pasta and we thought for a second and everyone agreed,and we started on Tuesday by
picking veges from our school garden.

And on Thursday we had little jobs to do that were grating carrot, smashing garlic, chopping marrow, slicing tomato, and other jobs.And my groups job was to grate carrots, when we finished we we gave it to Mrs Todd who was stirring the pasta, after a while of waiting we smelt the tasty pasta and it we knew it was tasting time my class couldn't wait, Mrs Todd gave everyone half cup.It looked like everyone enjoyed it.

In conclusion I think everyone really loved it, and all though I didn't try it I thought I missed out on a tasty meal,and next time
I would be sure to try it. By Riya.


  1. Michelle Strathern18 February 2014 at 21:45

    Well done Room 3. You look as though you had fun making and then eating the pasta. I'm surprised you had room for pasta after eating all those lollies Mr Beckham hid in the garden.

  2. That pasta looks so yummy - I am hoping that you might be able to make it for dinner for us one night Max?

  3. It was yummy and I bet it was better than Rm4

