Friday 19 June 2015


Today we watched a short animated movie called Paperman.  We predicted what would happen, then wrote our own versions of the story,

A sad slim man was holding important papers from his boss to do at home then paper came flying at his face.  A lady was running at her papers.  She stopped by the man and then paper slipped out of the man’s hands and blew right onto the ladys face then the lady pulled it off and there were lip marks on the paper.  The man started laughing then the quiet lady shot off onto the train the man did not realise.

The man went to work the quiet man had a whole pile of work on his desk. Then something caught  his eye the lady the slim sad man got the paper  and started making fast pointy planes. He flew them into the window of the lady but it did not work he tried many times he used all the paper he had one more piece of paper the lip paper.  He tried flying it but it did not work at all he gave up then the boss put more paper on his desk then the man pushed the paper off his desk and ran outside to find all the paper on the grey concrete.  He got mad and went away he got as mad as a snake then the lip paper came alive and went to were all the other planes were the lip plane made the other planes alive the planes clung on to the mad man.  He tried getting them off.  The lip plane went away and landed right where the lady was looking.  the plane made her  follow him to a train the other planes took the confused man to the place where the lady was getting off the train they met at that place then they went on a date and got married they loved each other and  lived happily ever after .

by Eliotte

A tired and exhausted man from work was carrying a bag full of paper work from his mad boss.  He was waiting for the train to stop by.  Suddenly a beautiful woman walked past him and caught his eyes with beauty.  Then, the strong howling wind blew one sheet of paper to the girl’s face, and left a bright red lipstick mark.  Both of them giggled silently, looking face to face.  The train stopped finally so the girl managed to get inside.  When the long train moved slowly, they smiled at each other.  The very next day the man was at his average boring work.  He looked to his left and saw the beautiful woman sitting down in the other building.  His boss gave him a whole pile of paper work on his table and walked away, very grumpy.  The man had the perfect idea, so he made a paper airplane and  tried his best to throw it across the building but it was no use.  He did not want to give up so he kept trying until all the paper ran out.  When the others at the office were looking at the man,  they were all curious and their backs were turned.  Suddenly the strict and angry boss came along and closed the window and gave the man even more paper work.  He tried even harder to get it across the building.  He used all the paper until only the paper with the lipstick mark was left.  He threw it and it still didn’t work.  He gave up and left.  The girl was walking and she saw it.
To be continued.

By Ceana

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