You have been a wonderful class. I hope you have a lovely Christmas and a great New Year.
Love from Mrs Todd
Wednesday, 18 December 2013
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Saturday, 14 December 2013
Thursday, 12 December 2013
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
December 4 2013
The teachers at Year 5 camp have asked for a note to be placed on the blogs. It has been very wet today and some of the children have already used a number of changes of dry clothes. If you are coming out to visit your child at Year 5 camp we suggest you bring some extra changes of clothes for your child. Thanks.
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Dec 3 update re Year 5 Camp
Some quick reminders for tomorrow
Come to school at the normal time in MUFTI
Please put home baking in the hall into the boxes provided
Rain is forecast – please bring a proper raincoat (and sun hat and sunblock - just in case!)
Bring your morning tea, a drink and lunch
Contact details –
St Marys 348 1701
Susan Nelson 027 697 4000
Sylvia Dunkley 027 5625 441
Teresa Rush 027 2570 668
Tui Ridge 260 Anderson Road (via Oturoa Road), Rd 2, Rotorua 3072 07-332 2508
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Decorating Biscuits
Today we decorated biscuits in the shape of New Zealand. We added shapes and colours to symbolise places around the country. Then we ate them!
NZ Biscuits on PhotoPeach
NZ Biscuits on PhotoPeach
Friday, 22 November 2013
Athletics Day
I was very proud of all the Room 3 students today. Everyone participated with enthusiasm and had a great time. AND Room 3 were the only class I saw where everyone had their hats on!! Well done everyone.
Thursday, 7 November 2013
Trip to Owhata Marae
Friday, 1 November 2013
Symbolism at Rotorua Museum
Today we had a fabulous visit to Rotorua Museum to look for examples of symbolism in works of art. Mrs Liley gave us a lot of valuable information and we enjoyed looking through the galleries for examples.
Symbolism in Art on PhotoPeach
Symbolism in Art on PhotoPeach
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Book Quotes
Today, all the students who had finished the book they were reading chose a quote from the book that they thought summarised the story. They took a photo of the quote and wrote why they had chosen it.
I think this quote summarizes this story because its about camping and spending time Ryleah
I think this quote summarizes this short novel because it's about a family going camping and they needed spending time together.
By Alliyah
I think this quote summarizes this story because it tells you that it wasn't the boy named peter, but it was a man who worked for a different company who was trying to make the other company take over the one he wasn't working for and he blamed it on peter
By Alyssa
this sentence tells you the main point of the story because
it gives you the fact that it was dark and maybe the light had turned off or something or something like that and that is what the story is about by Ella
Friday, 25 October 2013
Week 2
This term has got off to a very good start with lots of hard work going on in Room 3. Check back later this term to see some of the creative work we are doing as part of our Symbolism study.
Friday, 18 October 2013
The Great Annual Room 3 Snail Race
We had lots of great entrants today - Lauren's snail was the overall winner!
Snail Race on PhotoPeach
Snail Race on PhotoPeach
Friday, 27 September 2013
Golden Time
Today we played Minute to Win it games. We started with Face the Biscuit then went on to team games.
Minute to Win It on PhotoPeach
Minute to Win It on PhotoPeach
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Keep NZ Beautiful
Room 3 students did a wonderful job of collecting rubbish during their lunch break last week. All this rubbish was collected from Carnot Street.
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Friday, 13 September 2013
Amazing Paper Folding
This week a visitor to our school demonstrated the art of Indian paper folding. Today for Goldentime, we had a try at it ourselves.
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Monday, 9 September 2013
Friday, 6 September 2013
Enterprise Challenge
Today we had a Tech Challenge, and we had to make a bridge out of newspaper, tape and string. One group just had a pile of newspaper - The Toe-Breakers. The winners were Alyssa, Marcus, Ben, Maisie, and Vedansh.
It was very fun.
By Campbell and Alliyah
Build A Bridge on PhotoPeach
It was very fun.
By Campbell and Alliyah
Build A Bridge on PhotoPeach
Thursday, 5 September 2013
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Where are the students?
Today we had a very successful earthquake drill. I am sure if we have the real thing, Room 3 will be ready.
Friday, 30 August 2013
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Friday, 16 August 2013
Visit to the Red Cross Shop
I was very proud of the Room 3 students this week when we visited the Red Cross shop. The students were in groups of 3 or 4. We went to buy items that could be modified to make our Handy Holder inventions. Every group was very well behaved and the staff complimented them on their good manners. It was a great trip and everyone came back with lots of useful items. I was also very proud when the students decided to donate their change to the Red Cross. Well done to Harrisson for that great idea.
Friday, 9 August 2013
Exciting News
Today Molly told us her exciting news. Her sister Samantha, who used to go to St Mary's, is going to be playing netball for the Magic! Wow - that is great. Congratulations from Room 3.
Monday, 5 August 2013
Hiroshima poem
It was all over. The bomb had been dropped and my hope was all destroyed. Right in front of me, my entire family vapourised into a white portrait. I cry for help but my voice is over covered by roars of chaos. I look around the town, white blank faced people lying on the ground with no chance of survival. I could see it now, all the destruction that has been done.
My Hiroshima poem
the bomb drops
but smoke rises along with souls
people dying
people crying
shadows printed on buildings
what do I say to nuclear
I say NO!
by Joseph
the bomb drops
but smoke rises along with souls
people dying
people crying
shadows printed on buildings
what do I say to nuclear
I say NO!
by Joseph
Poems to remember Hiroshima
Why should you live why should you die I ask is that bomb really little boy I ask ,why is it so that most of us died and few survived I ask why Japan out of all countries was fried like a sauce pan so then I say why should you survive.
Wicked deaths everywhere,
Faces melting everywhere,
Anolagay zoomed off,
Smoke rising,
You are sad, gulity feeling bad,
Ive got no mother or father.
6th of August 1945,
Why out of all citys was it ours?
Black smoke everywhere.
Why should you live why should you die I ask is that bomb really little boy I ask ,why is it so that most of us died and few survived I ask why Japan out of all countries was fried like a sauce pan so then I say why should you survive.
Wicked deaths everywhere,
Faces melting everywhere,
Anolagay zoomed off,
Smoke rising,
You are sad, gulity feeling bad,
Ive got no mother or father.
6th of August 1945,
Why out of all citys was it ours?
Black smoke everywhere.
Sunday, 14 July 2013
Thursday, 11 July 2013
Trip to Ohinemutu
Recently room 3 went to Ohinemutu there are three marae's Tamate kaupa and tiki there are privet spa's pool's that they use but all the hot water comes from ngawha it is so wera they have wharearakia they have hangi's to cook food they have super big waka's on the out side of ohinemutu there is a roto and across from the roto is a motu the pa is big they have alot of whare's they they have a wharekia but the best part about Ohinemutu is we got to eat corn p.s my last name is mutu
by matthew mutu age 10
Sunday, 7 July 2013
Repurposing plastic
This week we have had a go at finding a new use for plastic bags. We tried weaving and made plastic pompoms.
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Room 3 has done it!!!!
Every time the whole class receives a compliment, a scoop of ice cream is added to the cone. Once the cone has 10 scoops, Room 3 receives a treat. Today the class received their 10th scoop, as you can see, and will be having an ice cream related treat next week. Well done Room 3 - you deserve it.
Friday, 28 June 2013
for the past two weeks room 3 have been doing a project called nude food. nude food is when there is three bags. perishable, non perisable and recyclabe. our first week was bad as most of the rubbish was in non perishable. But it all changed as it was nude food week there was a huge change not as good as it could have been but over all it was a succuss.
by che and matthew
for the past two weeks room 3 have been doing a project called nude food. nude food is when there is three bags. perishable, non perisable and recyclabe. our first week was bad as most of the rubbish was in non perishable. But it all changed as it was nude food week there was a huge change not as good as it could have been but over all it was a succuss.
by che and matthew
Friday, 21 June 2013
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Mrs Todd's washing machine plays the National Anthem!!
Press and Hold the Advance button and the Power button. At the same time, press and hold the
water temp button for 2 seconds.
Authors visit
On thursday room 3 and the rest of the school had a visit from tery she wrote mr bear branches and did the pictures as you see she is a verry good artist.
She tought us how to make this picture(charicter)
and 20 people were lucky enough to work beside her. we learnt how to come up with new ideas.
This is her she is verry talanted and helpful.
by Saskia and Campbell
She tought us how to make this picture(charicter)
and 20 people were lucky enough to work beside her. we learnt how to come up with new ideas.
This is her she is verry talanted and helpful.
by Saskia and Campbell
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
Friday, 7 June 2013
Paper Plate Art
This week, we painted a scene onto paper plates, then used wool to weave a tree over the top of the painting. We chose mainly autumn colours for our trees. I think the results are wonderful.
PPaper Plate Weaving on PhotoPeach
PPaper Plate Weaving on PhotoPeach
Minute to Win It
Wow! what an exciting week, This Friday for Goldentime Room3 participated in a challenge made by Mrs Todd, called 'Minute to Win It'
The overall winner was Lauren who had a total of 45 points!
The team that won was The Ding Dongs with 171 points!
By Marcus & Alliyah
Thursday, 30 May 2013
A trip to the recycling center...
Today we went the recycling center. We learned lots of things. Thanks to Mrs Quirk she told us the right things. Here are some pictures we took...
By Alyssa and Paulene
By Alyssa and Paulene
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Autumn Colour Poetry
Last week we published our Autumn colour poems. In place of the words, we stuck coloured card to represent the colours we were writing about. Here are some examples.
Sunday, 26 May 2013
Enjoying the Autumn Sun
Friday, 17 May 2013
Water Testing
This week we have carried out a number of experiments as part of our sustainable water study. We tried to filter dirty water to see if we could make it clean, but found we could not. We also built a still to see if we could extract drinking water from salt water. Ben volunteered to try the distilled water and found it was drinkable.
Today we were lucky enough to have Mrs Quirke from the Waste Water facility (Hazel's Mum) come and help us test the quality of the water we had collected during the holidays. It was a very interesting and informative lesson.
Water Testing on PhotoPeach
Today we were lucky enough to have Mrs Quirke from the Waste Water facility (Hazel's Mum) come and help us test the quality of the water we had collected during the holidays. It was a very interesting and informative lesson.
Water Testing on PhotoPeach
Monday, 13 May 2013
Writing in the Autumn Sun
Today we did a quick tour of the school to get inspiration for our Autumn poetry writing. It was certainly a stunning Autumn day in Rotorua.
Sunday, 12 May 2013
First Communion Celebration
Several members of our class celebrated their First communion today. I managed to grab a photo with most of them standing with Bishop Denis.
Friday, 10 May 2013
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Monday, 6 May 2013
Winners of the Week - what is that??
Some of the students in Room 3 have written explanations about the Winners of the Week.
Roll of
Do you know what the roll of honour is, it is when you behave
and be good then Mrs Todd allows you to get a tick on the roll of honour.
Whoever gets the most ticks at the end of the week wins for
the week, whoever gets the most in the term wins for the term, whoever gets the
most in the year wins for the year and gets a big prize! To try and win you
have to impress Mrs Todd.
Try and get ticks and
win, you never know you could win for the year and get the ultimate prize good luck.
By Emma Sue
Can you figure out how to figure out
the figure it out?
In Room 3 every week we have a riddle
Or sometimes a mind teaser. Here is one to get you started: THOUdeepGHT. At the
end of the explanation I will give you an answer. Try and get it right so that
if you were in Room3 you would be worthy of a prize out of the prize box
In case you are wondering why we have
the figure it out I’ll tell you. It is a way to win other then the outstanding
student and the roll of honour. Mrs.
Todd our brilliant teacher came up with it way back when she started teaching.
She got it going because she quite likes that sort of thing.
To enter you just have to look at the
weeks figure it out that Mrs. Todd hangs on the board and look and look and look
until the answer becomes clear. When you
think that you have got the right answer write it on scrap paper or refill and
pop it into the figure it out box. On Friday Mrs. Todd looks at all the answers
and whoever gets it right wins. If more then one person gets it correct then
Mrs. Todd picks who wins or else the names get drawn by someone who didn’t get
it correct.
If you are still trying to get the
answer to the figure it out I gave you but you can’t get then here is how to
work it out. THOUdeepGHT. 1. THOU GHT
makes thought 2. Deep is hidden inside thought
so that makes deep in thought.
If you did get it pretend you got a
prize from the prize box!
By Hazel Hagan
Figure it out
Train your brain to figure it out. Every week Mrs Todd runs
a thing called the figure it out. It is were Mrs Todd puts a riddle or a brain
teaser on a white board. Here are some
horobod ``````weels.
If you think you know the answer write it on a piece of
paper and put it in the figure it out box. After that all you can do is wait
till the end of the week.
Once the week is over the person with the correct answer
wins! However if more than one person
gets it right there is a draw. When someone gets their name drawn out they are
the winner!
The winner gets their name on the blog and a prize
p.s. horobod (robin hood )
``````` weel’s (hot weel’s)
By Maisie
Roll of
Have you
ever heard other roll of honour? Well know you have we have it in the one and
only bright room 3.
Anyway every
single week we have a roll of people’s names on the white board it is obviously
Mrs Todd’s roll of honour. But if you want your name on it then you have to
impress Mrs Todd because it is her class’s awesome thing. If you want to know
how to then you might want to help others, follow the golden rule’s, be awesome
and more.
There is
always a prize if you win from the end of week prize to the end of year prize
so do you think you will win?
By Vedansh
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