Wednesday 29 April 2015

Trench Warfare

An Epic battle between Room 3 (Anzacs) versus Room 1 (Turks).

Trench Warfare on PhotoPeach

1 comment:

  1. The clip I just watched was about trench warfare which was placed in St Mary's school on the field. They were re enacting one of the battles between ANZACS (room 3) and the Turks (room 1). The Turks wore paper hats to identify who was who. There were three rounds of battle, bean bags were used as grenades and tennis balls as bullets. The only casualty in the first round was Commander Boles who was painfully hauled off the battlefield to safety, with an illegal bullet to the head. There were many casualties in the remaining two battles, but they had to fend for themselves, it was kill or be killed, every man or woman for themselves. The session was very enjoyable but hard work. The battles were not won by either team, similar to the battles in WWI. I give it 10/10 because it may be hard but it is worth it

    Squadron Leader Boles (Brother to Commander Boles)
