Thursday 30 April 2015

War from both sides

Today we looked at the war from the perspective of both German and Turk soldiers, and British and Anzac soldiers.  We some of their recounts.  We found that their experiences were almost exactly the same.  They had the same fears and awful experiences.  Here is some of our writing in response.

British Soldier – I was standing in my trench, then I looked at a German soldier coming.  We both stopped and suddenly I had a sense of belief and hope.
German Soldier – I was walking to the British trench with my bayonet.  I could see the innocent look on his face.  I stopped, then I thought this man did not deserve to die.
By Kate.

British soldier
I crept up on him, he had something in his hand, brown paper shaped like a block.
German soldier-I tapped on his shoulder and gave him a present. I had bullets flying past my head. I'd dropped the present just before I gave it to him.  It sank in the mud and disappeared .
By Eliotte.

British soldier-he’s just like me. He’s the same age as me. He also has a family like me. We could be best friends. Should I shoot or should I shake his hand. I can’t kill him he’s just like me a little boy.
German soldier-should I poke my sharp sword into his chest or should I be his friend? Because he’s just like me. We both have family he is just like me a young boy with family and friends.
By Gert.

British soldier  - I creep up to the enemy trench another boy just like me. I get closer, time slower, I see a figure.  His shaky blue eyes get bigger.  A wrong move will be my last
German soldier – as I peep from my trench a figure getting closer,  I back down the thoughts. A flashback, my family, my kids.  If I don’t shoot I won't get to see my kids grow up.  Will I shoot or not? He is even closer.   Is this the end ?
By Sarah

British soldier –I creep up on him he was holding something in his hand -  a photo of people,  I think his family. A twig snapped under my feet.  He looked up, his eyes red and puffy. He picked up his gun and said    "my family ".
German soldier – my photos, my prized photos.  Deep in thoughts,  how are they now?  I felt a tear run down my cheek. I remember  - the gentle must feel savage, the savage must weep.  A twig snapped.  I look up and say "my family "
 By Jasmine

German Soldier
I run to the enemies trench ‘bang’ I shoot first, he falls to the ground with a big thump, suddenly I recognise him, my eyes fill with tears as I see my own fathers eyes close as he rises to heaven.
Allied Soldier
I try to shoot as the enemy approaches our trench. I hear the bang as he fires at me first, then ‘thump’, I fall to the ground as my own son recognises me as I rise to heaven.

By Kiara

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