Friday 29 May 2015

Friday Fun Writing

Today we listened to a short piece of music, then wrote in response. Copy and paste the link above so you can hear the music clip.

Here is some of our writing:

Hope Alive
I am at a rock and roll competition and we are competing against other schools the crowd is standing up and clapping to the music and we are rocking this thing I am thinking that while I am playing I don't muck up.

So we might win but it is not obvious decision and I hope I don't get stage fright and muck up and cause the whole band and get us disqualified and make the school lose the schools money and pay for our fees.

But it all went wrong and I had to play the wrong note and my drum stick went into the drum and I overbalanced and typed in my chair and pulled the black curtain down with me I was embarrassed but the whole audience was laughing at us, so the judge still let us win so it went good.


As I step in the sliding door, I hear loud, rocking music coming from inside. I heard their band was called Hope Alive 5 young boys rocking hard on stage like crazy mad. Chloe H

Hope alive
I see a rock band but not just any rock band one of the most loved rock bands in the world.I see a crowd of 50’000 people.The rock band has been on a world tuore! and this is their last stop.THe band called hope alive has now been to New York Las Vegas Los Angeles and now they are in New Zealand playing at vector arena! Koby

Hope Alive

I am getting ready to go to a disco. I leave and i am in the disco now suddenly I hear this jazzy piece of music everybody starts dancing so I joined in. When the disco finished I went in a casino I felt sick, I felt like something was in me out of nowhere I started spewing everywhere.

I was sent home i felt i needed something to do in my life so I started listening to the music in the disco and then i started dancing. I kept dancing and dancing next few weeks I joined in a dance class. My life was now straight I had new friends i went in a new school and started new life. My life turned around by just 1 piece of music years later i became a professional dancer and i started teaching kids. The piece of music was in my head forever i couldn’t get it out. Kim

hope alive
I hear a lot of people at a concert sung by aliens and people having a great time at the concert.

When I first heard the song in my head I could see an alien doing a cool space dance in front of all the humans from earth.

I see people believing in aliens because the aliens have thrown a concert.

Image in our head

In my head I build a picture about a teenage party with loud music called Hope Alive. In the party I could imagine a whole lot of people inside a V.I.P only party with a huge disco ball and the lights were turned of, I could see delicious treats on the table with some fruit punch laid out with a couple of plates and cups. People on the stage were holding an electric guitar and other loud instruments that can be heard from far away, the music was almost loud as an elephant and was played really well. People were dancing wearing a BIG smile on their faces, dancing, cheering, shouting we're going on and on. Ceana

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